Silk sarees are timeless and elegant piece of clothing that is cherished by women all over the world. They are often passed down from one generation to another and hold immense sentimental value. However, with time, these sarees can become worn out or outdated. But that shouldn't stop you from wearing them! You can easily give your old silk saree a new lease of life by adding Kantha work embroidery.

Kantha work is a type of embroidery that originated in Bengal, India. It involves simple running stitches in various patterns, which creates a beautiful and intricate design. Kantha work embroidery can be added to any type of fabric, including silk sarees, to create a unique and stunning look. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps of creating a beautiful Kantha work silk saree.

Choose the right silk saree

The first step in creating a Kantha work silk saree is to choose the right silk saree. Look for a saree that is in good condition, with no visible stains or tears. Silk sarees work best for Kantha work embroidery as they have the required stiffness and durability needed for embroidery. If you have an old silk saree that you no longer wear, this is the perfect opportunity to repurpose it.

Choose the design

The next step is to choose the design for your Kantha work embroidery. There are numerous patterns and designs available online, or you can create your own. You can choose a design that complements the saree or create a contrasting design for a unique and bold look.

Choose the thread

Once you have your design, it's time to choose the thread. Kantha work embroidery is traditionally done with a single thread in a running stitch, so choose a color that complements the saree and matches the design. You can also experiment with different thread colors to create a more vibrant and colorful look.

Draw the design on the saree

Next, it's time to draw the design on the saree. Using a fabric pencil or chalk, lightly draw the design on the saree. Make sure to draw the design on the wrong side of the fabric to avoid any visible marks on the right side.

Start the embroidery

Now, it's time to start the embroidery. Thread your needle and start at one end of the design. Use a simple running stitch to create the pattern, following the design that you drew. Stitch until you reach the end of the design.

Finish the embroidery

Once you have completed the embroidery, tie a knot at the end of the thread to secure it. You can also add a small bead or sequin to the end of the thread for a more decorative finish.

Add more designs

If you want to add more designs to the saree, repeat steps 4-6 for each additional design. You can also add more colors to the embroidery to create a more vibrant and colorful look.

Iron the saree

Once you have completed all of the embroideries, it's time to iron the saree. Place a cloth over the embroidered part of the saree and iron it on a low setting. This will help to set the embroidery and make it more visible.

Tips and tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when creating a Kantha work silk saree:

Practice on a scrap piece of fabric: If you're new to Kantha work embroidery, practice on a scrap piece of fabric before starting on the saree. This will help you get the hang of the stitching technique and create a more polished look.

Choose a simple design for beginners:

If you're new to embroidery, choose a simple design with fewer details. This will help you build your confidence and avoid frustration.

Use a hoop:

Using a hoop to hold the fabric taut while you stitch can help to create more even stitches and avoid puckering.

Take breaks:

Embroidery can be a time-consuming process, so make sure to take breaks and rest your eyes and hands to avoid strain.

Use high-quality thread:

Using high-quality thread will ensure that your embroidery lasts longer and looks more polished.

Don't forget to enjoy the process:

Embroidery is a calming and therapeutic activity, so don't forget to enjoy the process and take pride in your work.


In conclusion, adding Kantha work embroidery to a silk saree is a simple and beautiful way to breathe new life into an old garment. With some basic embroidery skills and a little patience, you can create a unique and stunning saree that reflects your style. So, next time you're wondering what to do with an old silk saree, consider adding some Kantha work embroidery and creating a beautiful work of art.