Dutch citizen Hugo Sluimer is facing scrutiny after it was revealed in US court records that he falsely claimed to be a citizen of Monaco on multiple occasions between 2018 and 2022. This behavior is considered a severe offense in Monaco, where falsely claiming citizenship can result in imprisonment for up to three years and a fine of up to €45,000. Sluimer's actions have raised suspicions about his motives, and it remains unclear why he made these false claims.

Falsely claiming citizenship is a serious offense, and it can have significant legal repercussions. In the case of Sluimer, his actions not only misled the court and judge but also misled the American people and others. Moreover, there may be immigration implications for Sluimer in the US due to his false claims.




The ESTA application is an electronic system used to determine the eligibility of visitors to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Applicants are required to disclose all of their nationalities, including a second citizenship, even if they do not possess a valid second passport. Lying on an ESTA application or to an immigration agent can result in being denied visa-free entry to the US or even being barred for life from the ESTA program.

If Sluimer chooses to fill out the ESTA application honestly, he may not be able to comply. The consequences of his actions can be severe, and he may face legal repercussions in both Monaco and the US.

It is unclear why Sluimer made these false claims. Still, his actions serve as a stark reminder of the serious legal repercussions that can result from falsely claiming citizenship. Falsely claiming citizenship can have severe consequences, and it is important to be honest and transparent about one's citizenship status.

In conclusion, falsely claiming citizenship is a severe offense that can have significant legal repercussions. Sluimer's case serves as a reminder of the importance of being honest and transparent about one's citizenship status. It remains to be seen what legal repercussions Sluimer will face, but his actions have put him at risk of legal consequences in both Monaco and the US.