The ActualVCE is a reliable and trusted platform for quick and complete Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam preparation. At this platform, you can easily download real and verified Service-Cloud-Consultant Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant exam practice questions. These Service-Cloud-Consultant Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant exam questions are ideal and recommended study material for quick and complete Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam preparation.

Difficulty in writing Service-Cloud-Consultant Exam

This Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam is very difficult to prepare. Because it requires all candidate attention with practice. So, if Candidate wants to pass this Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam with good grades then he has to choose the right preparation material. By passing the Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam can make a lot of difference in your career. Many Candidates wants to achieve success in the Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam but they are failing in it. Because of their wrong selection but if the candidate can get valid and latest Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant study material then he can easily get good grades in the Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam. ActualVCE providing many Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam questions that help the candidate to get success in the Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant test. Our Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exam dumps specially designed for those who want to get their desired results in the just first attempt. Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant braindump questions provided by ActualVCE make candidate preparation material more impactful and the best part is that the training material provided by ActualVCE for Salesforce Service-Cloud-Consultant exams are designed by our experts in the several fields of the IT industry.

Certification Path

Salesforce Administrator Certification can act as a prerequisite for this exam.

>> Service-Cloud-Consultant Training Material <<

2023 Useful Service-Cloud-Consultant: Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Training Material

There are three versions of Service-Cloud-Consultant training materials for the candidate of you, and different versions have different advantages, you can use it in accordance with your own habit. Free update for each version for one year, namely, you don’t need to buy the same version for many times, and the update version will send to you automatically. You will get the latest version of Service-Cloud-Consultant Training Materials.

Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Sample Questions (Q11-Q16):

Universal Containers has Technical Support and general Customer Service teams that use unique Service Console applications. Which two configurations should a Consultant use when deploying the console? Choose 2 answers

  • A. Assign users to a Permission Set with access to the service console app.
  • B. Assign users to a Permission Set granting the Service User license.
  • C. Assign users the Service User license on their User record.
  • D. Assign users to a Public Group with access to the service console app.

Answer: A,C

Universal Containers uses Live Agent to interact with customers. Service Reps complain that it takes too much
time to end the chat and close the case.
Which two features should a Consultant recommend to address this concern? Choose 2 answers

  • A. Visual Workflow
  • B. Quick Text
  • C. Macros
  • D. Lightning Guided Engagement

Answer: B,C

A manager has noticed an increase in average case age.This is negatively impacting customer satisfaction. The manager wants to compare the amount of time that cases have spent within each status during their lifecycle.
Which reporting solution should be recommended?

  • A. Create a report using the case lifecycle report type.
  • B. Create a report using the case historical trending report type.
  • C. Create a report using the case snapshot report type.
  • D. Create a report using the case age report type.

Answer: A

Universal Containers wants Service Console users to be able to view and update product usage data that is stored in an external system.
Which two features should a consultant recommend to provide this functionality?
Choose 2 answers

  • A. Middle-tier integration
  • B. External Objects
  • C. Salesforce Connect
  • D. Custom Objects

Answer: B,C

Universal Containers wants articles to be suggested to agents based on information they are typing into the case.
Which solution should a consultant recommend?

  • A. Enable the Knowledge sidebar setting in the case support settings.
  • B. Enable the Knowledge sidebar related list on the case page layout.
  • C. Create a Visualforce page called Knowledge sidebar on the case page layout.
  • D. Implement a Salesforce Console for Service and enable the Knowledge sidebar on the case page layout.

Answer: D


You may want to know our different versions of Service-Cloud-Consultant exam questions. Firstly, PDF version is easy to read and print. Secondly software version simulates the real Service-Cloud-Consultant actual test guide, but it can only run on Windows operating system. Thirdly, online version supports for any electronic equipment and also supports offline use. For the first time, you need to open Service-Cloud-Consultant Exam Questions in online environment, and then you can use it offline. All in all, helping our candidates to pass the exam successfully is what we always looking for. Our Service-Cloud-Consultant actual test guide is your best choice.

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