An overbite, also known as a deep bite, is a dental condition where the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth when the mouth is closed. While a slight overbite is normal and healthy, a severe overbite can cause various problems for individuals, including dental and facial issues. In this blog of AK Global Dent, the best dental implant clinic in Gurgaonproblems caused by the deep bite and their treatments are discussed. So read the post and learn the remedy for issues caused by overbites.   



  • Tooth Wear
    Tooth wear is the most common problem that occurs due to overbite. When the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively, they can cause excessive pressure on the lower teeth, leading to enamel wear, fractures, and sensitivity. This can also result in a misaligned bite, causing further issues with chewing and speaking.




  • Difficulties in speech
    Another issue caused by overbite is speech difficulties. With a significant overbite, the upper and lower teeth may not meet adequately, making it difficult for the tongue to move and produce sounds. This can result in a lisp or other speech impediments impacting daily communication.




  • Pain in Jawline
    Overbite can also lead to jaw pain and discomfort. Excessive pressure on the lower teeth can cause strain on the jaw muscles and joints, leading to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This can cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth.




  • Sleep Apnea
    Overbite can also lead to sleep apnea. This is a severe condition where the airway is obstructed during sleep, leading to breathing difficulties and interruptions in sleep. Overbite can cause the tongue to be pushed back, blocking the airway and leading to sleep apnea.




  • Cosmetic discomfort
    Overbite also causes cosmetic concerns, with the upper teeth appearing too prominent or the lower jaw looking too small. This can cause self-consciousness and low self-esteem for some individuals.



Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for individuals with an overbite. One standard treatment is braces or orthodontic treatment, which can help realign the teeth and jaw to improve the bite. In some cases, orthodontic treatment may be combined with surgery to correct more severe overbites.


Another treatment option is the use of removable appliances, such as retainers or aligners. These can help to move the teeth into the correct position and improve the bite over time.

To get the most effective treatment for overbite, one needs to consult the dental condition with a pertinent medical expert. 


In Gurgaon, AK Global Dent is a renowned clinic for the best dentists and orthodontists in the town. So visit this best dental implant clinic in Gurgaon and get the best treatment for overbite teeth.