His presence will be Diablo 4 Gold felt through these intermediaries unless events require his intervention. Tyrael still feels the repercussions of the destruction of his Worldstone at the conclusion of Diablo 2. The mystical artifact shielded Sanctuary from Heaven and Hell and now protects the land in its stead. Tyrael doesn't appear to be leading any further charges into Hell or venture much further beyond to the Pandemonium Fortress, where he could offer advice as Deckard Cain for those who will stay and listen.

Five classes playable in Diablo have been announced so far They all are takes on options from earlier games. In the sense that each game has brought something new to the table and exciting, maybe Tyrael could become an active participant in the fight in the battle, helping to balance the sides by offering players the opportunity to acquire angelic or demonic powers in exchange for obligations to Sanctuary. This type of strategy could be a natural progression from the multi-tree enhancement that was already made public for the series.

It's doubtful that Blizzard intends to turn Angels and Demons into classes as the franchise is focused on the people caught between their way. But as the one who is stuck between Heaven and Hell, Tyrael sits in an unusual position in the entirety of Diablo story. He's more likely to play acting as a balancer throughout the story, and maybe even the voice of reason rather than a partisan as his former self. Even when forced to take positions, Tyrael understands what is important to mortals, which is why he'll likely play a role in the events that unfold in Diablo 4.

Blizzard's method of speccing the character of Diablo 4 is a blend of the studio's approach to Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. As executive producer and director of the Diablo franchise Rod Fergusson put it, "Diablo 2 felt like you were locked in. You could respec one time per difficulty. But with D3 you kind change your build as you would change your clothes. 

Everything was gear-based as opposed to skill-based."Fergusson added, "I think the fact that we have skills on the equipment [in Diablo 4] is really nice for experimentation -- as a sorceress I [might] get Blizzard [on a pair of boots] three levels before I should and I can try Blizzard to cheap Diablo IV Gold see if I actually want it."