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Difficulty in Attempting Oracle Database Administration II Exam Number: 1Z0-083

If the user has successfully passed the ORACLE 1Z0-083 practice exam and has been through ORACLE 1Z0-083 exam dumps then the certification exam will not be too much difficult as the user has shown aptitude for understanding complicated processes.

The significance of Oracle 1Z0-083 is increasing day by day then the difficulty of passing Oracle 1Z0-083 exam questions is also advancing. Candidates can only pass Oracle 1Z0-083 exam if they practice daily, prepare from quality preparation material and believe in themselves. This is always a tough task for the candidates to pass Oracle 1Z0-083 exam because Oracle 1Z0-083 exam syllabus has some tricky concepts and the candidates find it hard to understand these topics. To overcome these problems candidates should have to keep these points in mind.

First of all look for some updated and in detailed exam preparation material. They will really help you in understanding the very small to the small concept of the Oracle 1Z0-083 exam. The second point look for Oracle experts helps, as they have the experience of the Oracle 1Z0-083 exam and they can tell you the real exam scenario. The third point is candidates should practice from quality Oracle 1Z0-083 exam practice exams.

We recommend using ORACLE 1Z0-083 practice exam and ORACLE 1Z0-083 practice exams to prepare for this exam. These are prepared by experts and are kept up to date with the latest curriculum.

Understanding functional and technical aspects of Oracle Database Administration II Exam Number: 1Z0-083

The following will be discussed in the ORACLE 1Z0-083 exam dumps:

  • Duplicate Databases
  • Diagnosing Database Issues
  • Configure and using an RMAN recovery catalog
  • Employ the best Oracle Database recovery technology for your failure situation
  • Configuring and using RMAN - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery Workshop
  • Configure RMAN and the Database for Recoverability
  • Describe and use Recovery technology for Crash, Complete, and Point-in-time recovry
  • Perform flashback operations
  • Diagnosing Failures - Oracle Database: Backup and Recovery Workshop
  • Configure your Database to support Flashback

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1Z0-083 Premium Exam, 1Z0-083 Latest Material

Our 1Z0-083 exam simulation is accumulation of knowledge about the exam strictly based on the syllabus of the exam. They give users access to information and exam, offering simulative testing environment when you participate it like in the classroom. Besides, contents of 1Z0-083 study guide are selected by experts which are appropriate for your practice in day-to-day life. It is especially advantageous for busy workers who lack of sufficient time to use for passing the 1Z0-083 Preparation materials. And as the high pass rate of more than 98%, you will pass for sure with it.

Oracle Database Administration II Sample Questions (Q77-Q82):

While backing up to an SBT channel, you determine that the read phase of your compressed Recovery Manager (RMAN) incremental level 0 backup is a bottleneck.
FORCE LOGGING is enabled for the database.
Which two could improve read performance? (Choose two.)

  • A. Enable asynchronous disk I/O.
  • B. Increase the size of the database buffer cache.
  • C. Increase the size of tape I/O buffers.
  • D. Increase the level of RMAN multiplexing.
  • E. Disable FORCE LOGGING for the database.

Answer: B,D

Examine this output:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)

  • A. PDB3 is guaranteed to receive at least 20% of the available system resources if there is enough demand.
  • B. PDB1 is always limited to 40% of the available system resources regardless of demand.
  • C. PDB3 can use all available parallel execution processes at times.
  • D. PDB2 is guaranteed at least 25% of the available parallel execution processes if there is enough demand.
  • E. Any PDB not specified in the plan will be unable to execute statements in parallel.
  • F. Any PDB not specified in the plan will be able to use a maximum of 16.5% of the available system resources.

Answer: A,E

In a recent Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) report for your database, you notice a high number of buffer busy waits. The database consists of locally managed tablespaces with free list managed segments. On further investigation, you f ind that buffer busy waits is caused by contention on data blocks. Which option would you consider first to decrease the wait event immediately?

  • A. Decreasing PCTFREE
  • B. Increasing db_buffer_cache based on t he V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE recommendation
  • C. Using Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM)
  • D. Decreasing PCTUSED
  • E. Increasing the number of DBWN process

Answer: C

You are managing this configuration:
* CDB1 is a container database.
* PDB1 and PDB2 are two pluggable databases in CDB1.
* USER1.EMP is a table in PDB1 and USER2.DEPT is a table in PDB2.
CDB1 user SYS executes these commands after connecting successfully to PDB2:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)

  • A. The insert on USER2.DEPT is uncommitted.
  • B. The inserts on USER1.EMP were committed when the session inserted a row into USER2.DEPT.
  • C. The insert on USER2.DEPT is a recursive autonomous transaction by the child session and is committed.
  • D. The inserts on USER1.EMP remain uncommitted when the session connected to PDB2.
  • E. The inserts on USER1.EMP were rolled back when the session connected to PDB2.
  • F. The insert on USER2.DEPT fails because of the active transaction in the parent container.
  • G. The inserts on USER1.EMP were committed when the session connected to PDB2.

Answer: C,E

Oracle Data Redaction is active on the SCOTT.EMP table. You queried the table twice. SQL> SELECT ENAME, SAL, COMM, MGR, HIREDATE FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO=30; SQL> SELECT ENAME, SAL, COMM, MGR, HIREDATE FROM EMP WHERE DEPTNO=30; Which is guaranteed to be true concerning the redaction policy?

  • A. PARTIAL redaction is active on the MGR column.
  • B. RANDOM redaction is active on the MGR column
  • C. FULL redaction is active on the SAL column
  • D. PARTIAL redaction is active of the HIREDATE column.
  • E. RANDOM redaction is active on the HIREDATE column

Answer: E


Just like the old saying goes, there is no royal road to success, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. In a similar way, there is no smoothly paved road to the 1Z0-083 certification. You have to work on it and get started from now. If you want to gain the related certification, it is very necessary that you are bound to spend some time on carefully preparing for the Oracle exam, including choosing the convenient and practical study materials, sticking to study and keep an optimistic attitude and so on.

1Z0-083 Premium Exam: https://www.itbraindumps.com/1Z0-083_exam.html
