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最新的 CIPS Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply L5M2 免費考試真題 (Q108-Q113):

問題 #108
Which of the following will you put into box 2?

  • A. transfer
  • B. tolerate
  • C. treat
  • D. terminate


The correct answers are as follows:
Table Description automatically generated
Cashflow issues can lead to serious financial problems and the company going bust. Therefore this risk must be treated.

問題 #109
Standard Deviation is the measure of the variation between the values in a range of data. From which of the following could you calculate Standard Deviation?

  • A. normal distribution
  • B. binomial distribution
  • C. value at risk
  • D. poisson distribution


This is calculated from normal distribution. In normal distribution most of the values are concentrated around the middle of the data set- standard deviation identifies how far a data point is from this average. See p.128 for more information

問題 #110
Which of the following models would be used to explore internal and external risks to a business?

  • B. Poisson Distribution
  • C. Porter's 5 Forces
  • D. SWOT


SWOT is used for this. S + W is strengths and weaknesses, which are internal risks. O+T are opportunities and threats which are external risks. See p. 12 for more information

問題 #111
Oliver is a procurement manager and he is trying to work out the likelihood that a supplier fails to deliver to the warehouse two days in a row. Which of the following methodologies should Oliver use?

  • A. Poisson Distribution
  • B. binomial distribution
  • C. normal distribution
  • D. value at risk


Poisson Distribution would be used for this. Poisson Distribution predicts the likelihood of an event occurring.
This is explained on p. 129 of the study guide but this YouTube video explains it a lot better:

問題 #112
A supplier of non-critical items has a low credit score, Which of the following actions should be taken? Select TWO options.

  • A. inform the CEO of the company
  • B. replace the supplier as quickly as possible with a more financially stable supplier
  • C. create a risk assessment and mitigation plan
  • D. conduct a benchmarking exercise


The correct answers are conduct benchmarking and create a risk assessment. This supplier provides low value and low risk products - therefore the fact they have a bad credit rating isn't too much of a risk to your company. It's worth doing a benchmarking exercise to compare their position to others in the market to see if there are any industry-wide trends, and to create a risk assessment and mitigation plan. This could involve working with the supplier to help them improve their credit score, for example by using more favourable payment terms so they have a better cash flow. There's no need to replace them immediately, and there's no need to tell the CEO- they probably have more important things to think about than a singular supplier of non-critical items See p.81

問題 #113

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CIPS 的 L5M2 認證考試題庫是一個保證你一次及格的資料,VCESoftのL5M2考古題是你成功的捷徑,大家在準備考試的時候,可以結合VCESoft L5M2最新題庫資源最新的擬真試題去認真地做練習,這樣的話,可以為你的考試節省很多的時間,CIPS L5M2題庫更新 我們不是收到款後就不管客戶,只要您有任何疑問,可以隨時聯繫我們,我們一定竭誠為您提供周到的服務,做到完美的售後讓您滿意,一旦你選擇了我們VCESoft,不僅能夠幫你通過CIPS L5M2 認證考試和鞏固自己的IT專業知識,還可以享用一年的免費售後更新服務,如果您想通過IT認證,但又懼怕考試的考生,再也不用焦虑了,我們VCESoft配置提供給你最優質的CIPS的L5M2認證考試考試考古題及答案,將会帮助您走向成功。

兩個菩薩和顏悅色的說道,隨著組織加速自動化以應對未來鎖定的潛力,合作夥伴業務增長的前景似乎很有希望,CIPS 的 L5M2 認證考試題庫是一個保證你一次及格的資料,VCESoftのL5M2考古題是你成功的捷徑。

完整包括的L5M2題庫更新 |第一次嘗試輕鬆學習並通過考試和一流的L5M2:Managing Supply Chain Risk


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