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>> Reliable 500-445 Test Syllabus <<

Cisco 500-445 Exam Answers | Study 500-445 Demo

Our 500-445 practice materials are your best choice for their efficiency in different aspects: first of all, do not need to wait, you can get them immediately if you pay for it and download as your wish. Clear-arranged content is our second advantage. Some exam candidates are prone to get anxious about the 500-445 Exam Questions, but with clear and points of necessary questions within our 500-445 study guide, you can master them effectively in limited time.

Cisco 500-445 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Explain ECE Email Administration
  • Describe Workflows
  • ECE Email Administration
Topic 2
  • Describe Chat Entry Points
  • ECE Chat Administration
Topic 3
  • Prepare PCCE for ECE and Integration
  • Explain ECE Installation process
Topic 4
  • Explain Chat Operation and Chat Customization
  • Configure ECE for Chat
Topic 5
  • Describe ECE Report types
  • Troubleshoot ECE
  • ECE Deployment
Topic 6
  • ECE Administration and Configuration
  • Explain ECE Queues
  • Configure ECE
Topic 7
  • Describe Enterprise Chat and Email Components and Deployment Model
  • Define ECE Best Practices
Topic 8
  • Explain CCE Scripting for Email and Storage Management
  • Explain ECE Administration Tasks

Cisco Implementing Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Chat and Email Sample Questions (Q51-Q56):

What is the character limit for passwords when installing Enterprise Chat and Email applications?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3

Answer: D

Which group must an email match to be transferred to any queue?

  • A. Application instance
  • B. Media class
  • C. Application path
  • D. Business hour

Answer: C

What is the maximum permissible one-way network delay between Unified CCE servers and ECE servers?

  • A. 300 milliseconds
  • B. 120 milliseconds
  • C. 240 milliseconds
  • D. 80 milliseconds

Answer: C

The maximum permissible one-way network delay between Unified CCE (Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise) servers and Enterprise Chat and Email (ECE) servers is 240 milliseconds. This delay is necessary for the servers to communicate with each other without any latency issues.

Which two changes should be made in the calendar when changes in daylight savings occur? (Choose two.)

  • A. Adjust the start time and end time for all shifts.
  • B. Change the timezone at the user group level.
  • C. Change the timezone at the department level.
  • D. Delete the existing shift label before creating a new one for daylight saving time.
  • E. Change the timezone at the system partition level.

Answer: A,D

Which information in ECE allows administrators to set up working and non-working hours and days for employees in their department?

  • A. Business calendars
  • B. Time of day
  • C. Business hours
  • D. Administrative script

Answer: A

Business calendars in ECE allow administrators to set up working and non-working hours and days for employees in their department. The business calendar can be used to define holidays, working hours, operating hours, vacation times, and other important time-related information. This allows administrators to ensure that the department is properly staffed at all times and that employees are not working outside of their scheduled hours.


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