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Oracle 1z0-1047-22 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Explain and execute Absence Management processes
  • Oracle Absence Management Cloud Overview
Topic 2
  • Describe the types of absence plans available in Absence Management
  • Integrate Absence Management and Global Payroll
Topic 3
  • Create Compensatory time and Donation plans
  • Create absence qualification plans
  • Configure eligibility profiles
Topic 4
  • Set up rate definitions in Absence Management
  • Describe the main features of Absence Management
Topic 5
  • Set up Certifications (document and entitlement change types) within Absence Type
  • Describe the setup components of Absence Management
Topic 6
  • Explain the absence management processes related to accrual plans
  • Describe the plans terms available for qualification plans

Oracle Absence Management Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional Sample Questions (Q52-Q57):

Which job configuration parameter lets you control the number of ESS job threads that should run for a job submission?

  • A. Thread count
  • B. Multithread size
  • C. Maximum threads
  • D. Total threads
  • E. Thread size

Answer: D

An employee is enrolled in the following accrual plans, both of which are linked to the same absence type:
Floating Holiday - Priority 100 - (Balance = 2 days), no negative balance allowed.
Vacation - Priority 200 - (Balance = 3 days), negative balance allowed with a limit of 2 days.
Describe how a 7-day absence will be processed using this absence plan setup.

  • A. Decrease Vacation balance by 3 days and Floating Holiday balance by 2 days.
  • B. Decrease Floating Holiday balance by 2 days and Vacation balance by 3 days.
  • C. Decrease Floating Holiday balance by 2 days and Vacation balance by 2 days.
  • D. Decrease Vacation balance by 5 days and Floating Holiday balance by 2 days.
  • E. Decrease Floating Holiday balance by 2 days and Vacation balance by 5 days.

Answer: A

Which two statements are true regarding absence entry if an employee is assigned an Elapsed work schedule?

  • A. The employee enters an absence for one day, the system auto generates the duration but duration can be changed to report a partial day absence.
  • B. The employee enters the start date and end date and the system will auto generate the start and end date duration based on the schedule.
  • C. The employee enters the start date and end date and the system will auto generate the start and end times based on the schedule.
  • D. You can record only one absence on a day.
  • E. You cannot record an absence in Calendar Days.

Answer: A,B

Which four statements about discretionary balance disbursements are false?

  • A. You can perform balance disbursements for accrual plans only.
  • B. Administrators can perform balance disbursements through administrative tasks.
  • C. Managers can perform balance disbursement through self-service.
  • D. You can perform balance disbursements for all types of absence plans.
  • E. After you perform a balance disbursement, it goes through approval.
  • F. Employees can perform balance disbursements through self-service.

Answer: A,C,E,F

An employee who works 9-5 submits 8 hours for a Holiday absence and you notice that 8 is calculated at the absence type level but only 6 hours are deducted from the plan despite the employee having 10 hours available to use.
Which formula type should you attach the logs to in order to determine why only six hours are being deducted from the plan?

  • A. Global Absence Proration
  • B. Global Absence Entry Validation
  • C. Global Absence Plan Duration
  • D. Global Absence Plan Use Rate
  • E. Global Absence Type Duration

Answer: B


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Exam 1z0-1047-22 Pass Guide:
