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How to Prepare For Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam
Preparation Guide for the Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam
As you know, Photoshop is a global software business and has given us with world-class editing and office applications. If you've the abilities to write, direct video, music and IT, and the desire to polish your talents and the finest tools to work, then Photoshop has been one of the greatest. Adobe accreditation in the software business has significant value. You may start your job in town and use your talents to get a certificate. Your IT abilities are excellent in many areas. This certification is advisable for contractors to use the Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps, which would be designed to offer customers with prime work. I suggest you very skilled and communicative Adobe certification. And shine your existence. Adobe is committed to delivering our employers the finest software solutions in the globe. To create your bright future, Adobe provides a broad variety of online certifying programs.
Adobe offers us the greatest technologies in the industry in same place. It offers a broad variety of software, which any IT specialist requires. Adobe offers us various applications such as visual communication, entertainment, office work, applications for picture and video producers, and printers. It is the truth of the world's millions of users. Thanks to international programming, Adobe emerges every day in the technological world. Adobe Cloud specialists make lots of money. You may establish your own company and make healthy money with an experience in one of Adobe's software. All certification issues covered by our Adobe AD0-E704 exam dumps for different software offered by Adobe: Adobe Web Design, Adobe Graphic Design, Adobe Video Editing, Photoshop Animation Software and 3D and Adobe Digital marketing programs Adobe Document Formats.
Certification Topics of the Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam
Adobe AD0-E704: Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect consist of following topics:
- Section 1: Magento Architecture (6%)
- Section 2: Magento UI (7%)
- Section 3: Working with Databases (14%)
- Section 4: Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model (10%)
- Section 5: Developing with Adminhtml (5%)
- Section 6: Customizing the Catalog (23%)
- Section 7: Customizing the Checkout Process (17%)
- Section 8: Magento Commerce Features (13%)
- Section 9: Understanding Magento Security (5%)
100% Pass Quiz High Hit-Rate Adobe - AD0-E704 - Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect 100% Accuracy
Once you decide to pass the Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect exam and get the certification, you may encounter many handicaps that you don’t know how to deal with, so, you may think that it is difficult to pass the exam and get the certification. In order to help you solve these problem and help you pass the exam easy, we complied such a AD0-E704 exam torrent. We can promise that you will have no regret buying our Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect exam dumps. If you are hesitating to buy our AD0-E704 Test Quiz, if you are anxious about whether our product is suitable for you or not, we think you can download the trail version. We believe our Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect exam dumps will help you make progress and improve yourself.
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Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Sample Questions (Q42-Q47):
Suppose you are building an inquiry form using uicomponent. It has a feature that customer can edit the submitted data later if he wants to edit. What should the logic here to implement, in order to enable the form for re-edit:
- A. DataProvider class provides execute() method which is responsible for data loading.
- B. DataProvider class provides prepare() method which is responsible for data loading.
- C. DataProvider class provides getData() method which is responsible for data loading.
- D. DataProvider class provides getDataSourceData() method which is responsible for data loading.
Answer: C
You are working on a customization that requires a list of shipping rates available to a user. Which call returns the list of shipping rates?
- A. \Magento\Shipping\Helper\Rates: :getAHRates
- B. \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote::getShippingRates
- C. \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address::getAllShippingRates
- D. \Magento\Checkout\Api\ShippingInformationManagementInterface::getRates
Answer: C
You are writing a new method for retrieving the level of the category in a category tree by its ID. You have a select query:
With the Staging functionality enabled, the returned category level value changes over time while the category tree stays the same. How do you fix this issue?
- A. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getEntityId(ScategoryId)
- B. Add filters based on updated_in and created.in for Staging compatibility
- C. Replace $categoryResource->geTLinkField() with ScategoryResource->getEntityIdField()
- D. Replace Scategoryld With ScategoryResource->getLinkId(Scategoryld)
Answer: D
Suppose you are working with order collection where you need to get the Customer collection object in foreach loop to check wheather current order's customer accout is locked or not. For this you injected Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customer in the constructor to use $customer collection object. But in loop when this object is used, you notice that it's returning the same customer even if you pass different customer id to filter the customer collection inside loop. What is the solution for this problem?
- A. Use proxy class for customer and use create() method to get a fresh customer object
- B. None of these
- C. We can not filter a collection in foreach loop, need to use load() on customer model
- D. Use factory class for customer and use create() method to get a fresh customer object
Answer: D
You are reviewing a custom observer for the event sales_order_save_after which is fired when an order is placed on the storefront. The observer is sending a remote request to an analytics system with the order data.
What issue may this observer cause?
- A. The final price for the order is not available on the sales_order_save_after event
- B. In case of an error in the observer the order will not be saved in the database
- C. This event will not be fired if the order is placed through the WebAPI
- D. The payment status is not available at the moment when the order is saved
Answer: B
Reliable AD0-E704 Test Answers: https://www.prep4cram.com/AD0-E704_exam-questions.html