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SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06 Sample Questions (Q19-Q24):

You have a cube calculation view that consumes a dimension view. You suspect some dimension columns have been renamed in the cube calculation view.Which function of SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA do you use to check where the output columns originate from?

  • A. Impact analysis
  • B. Show lineage
  • C. Where used
  • D. Label column

Answer: B

Why would you implement active / active read-enabled mode?

  • A. To synchronize query results with operational data
  • B. To enhance security for data access
  • C. To improve query performance
  • D. To provide offline access to data

Answer: A

You implement a referential join between Table A and Table B, but when you query the calculation view, Table B is not pruned.What could be the problem?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Join cardinality is set :1.
  • B. Integrity constraint is set to RIGHT.
  • C. The Keep flag is activated for the Customer column.
  • D. The Country column is requested.

Answer: B,C

What does SAP HANA provide to support full stack native application development?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Source code version management tool
  • B. Code editors and debugger
  • C. Incident tracking tools
  • D. Support for automated regression testing

Answer: A,B

You combine two customer master data tables with a union node in a calculation view. Both master data tables include the same customer name.How do you ensure that each customer name appears only once in the results?

  • A. Include an aggregation node above the union node.
  • B. In the union node, map both source customer name columns to one target column.
  • C. Add an intersect node above the union node.
  • D. Define a restricted column in a union node.

Answer: A


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