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How will you gain MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Certification easily?
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You can easily gain MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Certification by preparing for the exam by using Test King's training material. If you are interested in passing MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Exam with good marks, then you must take help from the MongoDB C100DEV study guide.
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Are you aware of the importance of the C100DEV certification? If your answer is not, you may place yourself at the risk of be eliminated by the labor market. As we know, the C100DEV certification is the main reflection of your ability. If you want to maintain your job or get a better job for making a living for your family, it is urgent for you to try your best to get the C100DEV Certification. We are glad to help you get the certification with our best C100DEV study materials successfully.
MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Exam Sample Questions (Q178-Q183):
Data modeling. You are considering the use of nesting or references in your data model. Documents can grow rapidly. Which option would be more appropriate?
- A. Use of nesting.
- B. Use of reference.
Answer: B
Suppose you are connected to mongod instance that is already running on port 27000 as admin user. You have to export reviews collection from the restaurants database to JSON file named reviews.json. Which command should you use?
- A. mongoexport --db restaurants --collection reviews -o reviews.json
- B. mongoexport --db restaurants --collection reviews -o export.json
- C. mongodump --db restaurants --collection reviews -o reviews.json
Answer: A
Select true statements about the selection of the shard key.
- A. Non-monotonic data is a good choice for shard key.
- B. Monotonically changing shard keys result in write operations going to a single shard. This is inefficient.
- C. High cardinality provides more shard key values, which determines the maximum number of chunks the balancer can create.
- D. High frequency - most documents fall within a particular range. This can lead to bottleneck problems within the cluster.
Answer: A,B,C,D
What do you mean by collection scan during query execution?
- A. It can use the index to limit the number of documents it must check.
- B. It scans every document in a collection, to select those documents that match the query.
Answer: B
We have a movies collection with the following document structure: { _id: ObjectId("573a1390f29313caabcd6223"), genres: [ 'Comedy', 'Drama', 'Family' ], title: 'The Poor Little Rich Girl', released: ISODate("1917-03-05T00:00:00.000Z"), year: 1917, imdb: { rating: 6.9, votes: 884, id: 8443 } } We need to extract all movies from this collection where genres includes both 'Crime' and 'Mystery'. Which query should we use?
- A. db.movies.find( { genres: { $nin: ["Crime", "Mystery"] } } )
- B. db.movies.find( { genres: { $in: ["Crime", "Mystery"] } } )
- C. db.movies.find( { genres: { $any: ["Crime", "Mystery"] } } )
- D. db.movies.find( { genres: { $all: ["Crime", "Mystery"] } } )
Answer: D
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C100DEV Exam Format: https://www.it-tests.com/C100DEV.html