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聚靈宗從此消失,幾人在深山潛龍獸身上留下了的傷口,很快就恢復了正常狀態L4M7學習筆記,接下來,該怎麽做,所以,蘇玄準備離去了,壹年下來,小說字數已達到了六十八萬字,第二百七十壹章 上哪裏找他,沒朕的詔令,任何人都不得隨意進出。


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下載CIPS Whole Life Asset Management考試題庫

A manager who is concerned about the environmental impact of packaging should do which of the following?

  • A. Adopt international environmental packaging standards
  • B. Try to reduce the costs of packaging
  • C. Not use the packaging materials at all
  • D. Purchase the packaging materials in bulk

Answer: A

In principle, use of any materials involves an environmental cost. Some packaging materials use a lot of natural resources and energy to produce. The journey taken by packaging from raw material to manufacturing and then to the initial user also incurs a 'carbon footprint'. The weight of packag-ing contributes to the fuel usage of vehicles while the volume used can add up to additional jour-neys or the use of larger vehicles. Finally, the reuse, return, disposal or recycling will also involve additional to the environmental cost.
In this question:
- 'Purchase
the packaging materials in bulk' may incur additional fuel and carbon footprint in delivering these materials
- 'Try to reduce the costs of packaging' may prompt the organisation to use less eco-friendly and cheap materials like polystyrene chips
- 'Not use the packaging materials at all' can increase the environmental performance of packag-ing activities, but it also harms the products to be delivered and may cause other environmental problems (i.e. spillage of toxic chemicals into the environment) So the correct answer should be: 'Adopt international environmental packaging standards'. The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has published several standards regarding packaging and environment, namely ISO 18601, ISO 18602, ISO 18603, ISO 18604, ISO 18605, ISO 18606.
LO 1, AC 1.3


What is meant by the term 'obsolete stock'?

  • A. Damaged stock
  • B. Stock which has been stolen
  • C. Stock which has become outdated
  • D. Low value/low risk stock

Answer: C

Obsolescent stock is stock, usually finished goods, which is in good condition and satisfactory working but for which demand is irreversibly falling towards zero. Once this demand reaches zero the stock can be considered 'obsolete'. It cannot be used or sold in its current state. Food ingredients (like candy canes) which are out of date are another example.
LO 2, AC 2.1


Which of the following refer to material used for filling the void left in the box but they have poor environmental profile?

  • A. Polystyrene chips
  • B. Metal racking
  • C. Polypropylene straps
  • D. Cages

Answer: A

Void filling is the general term giving to the challenge of filling the space left in a box after the products have been packed. This means that if there is no void filling material, the product inside can move around and could be damaged. Materials to fill voids to secure contents
* Polystyrene (PS) is a synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon polymer made from the monomer known as styrene.[5] Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and rather brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight. It is a rather poor barrier to oxygen and water vapour and has a relatively low melting point.[6] Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production being several million tonnes per year.[7] Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be coloured with colourants. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and CD and DVD cases), containers, lids, bottles, trays, tum-blers, disposable cutlery[6] and in the making of models. Polystyrene is generally considered to be non-biodegradable. However, certain organisms are able to degrade it, albeit very slowly.
* Chips made of bio-degradable materials
* Absorbent and fire-resistant material
* Shredded paper, cardboard or wood-Based material
* Paper or cardboard rolls
* Bubble wrap
* Air-filled cushions
* Self expanding foam
Straps are used to group items into unit load. Polypropylene or polyester are the materials most often used. The wider the strap, the stronger it will be. Using more than one strap and straps for length and width will create a strong place for stock.
- Polystyrene (Wikipedia)
- CIPS study guide page 65
LO 1, AC 1.3


