what is colon broom

Psyllium husk is the all-star ingredient in Colon Broom and is found in similar levels when comparing products like Colon Broom vs Metamucil. Any Colon Broom reviews you read need to include a thorough look into this form of fiber (sometimes called ispaghula) from the husks of Plantago ovata plant seeds.

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences – Does Colon Broom work? A review of two randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trials comparing seven days of psyllium with a placebo (maltodextrin). It increased stool water, altered the colonic environment, and eased defecation in subjects using psyllium husk (used in Colon Broom).
    International Journal of Science and Research – Ingesting psyllium husk can improve health in several areas. The conclusion in one international journal highlights its positive effect on many metabolic syndrome markers, including obesity. Each serving of Colon Broom contains 3.6g of psyllium husk.
    Nutrition Today – Does the psyllium husk in Colon Broom create other digestive benefits? One 2020 article highlighted how non-fermented psyllium gel (its state after hydration) “normalized” stool in the large intestine. That includes softening hard stool and firming loose stools.


