Web development technology is upgrading fast with new technology and tools. One of the exceptional technology called React JS a JavaScript-based framework for web and web application development.

For the last few years, we have seen web development technology offering advanced features with more programming language use. Also, new frameworks and libraries are being developed on the existing technology.

One of the advanced frameworks is React JS which is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries used for website and web application development. Many popular companies also use React JS. That’s the reason React JS development companies are growing more than others. React JS framework have many advantages over any other frameworks such as NodeJS, AngularJS, Vue Js, etc. 


What is React JS?

React. JS is an open-source and component-based JavaScript framework developed by Facebook. React.JS is a front-end JavaScript framework used for developing the application’s view layer.

React.JS use the Model View Controllers (MVC) architecture and the view layer is dependent on operating mobile and web application. Most developers use React.JS for developing single-page web applications and mobile apps.


Why React.JS is used more than other frameworks?

1. Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM is a virtual tool of the Document Object Model where the UI is separated from the actual DOM and saved in the local memory. ReactJS sync this with the actual DOM and deliver virtual DOM runs faster.


2. Component library

React.JS comprise some component libraries for single-page apps. This modular, component-based approach in React JS support integrated and display design schemes. ReactJS separated the UI into several usable parts which can run separately.


3. JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX)

JSX is used for developing robust user interfaces (UI). It enables to write of the HTML structures and JS code in the same file, which makes understanding and debugging codes easy way until the complex JS DOM structure can be dodged.


4. Faster

The virtual DOM supports ReactJS web applications to run faster. Also, React JS as a platform is fast downloaded, and the male configuration runs effortlessly.


5. One-way Data binding

ReactJS allows developers to nest baby components with the parent components. Due to this developers can better control web applications until to know the source of errors.


6. Compatible

React JS enables developers to work on software with an older version of libraries that’s why developers prefer to use ReatcJS for any web application development.


7. Debugging easy

React JS enables easy and fast debugging of web apps. A web browser extension of React JS that can add on developer tools on the Chrome web browser. These tools inspect React JS components easily.


Benefits of using React.JS 

  • Flexibility
  • Rich User Interface
  • Wide libraries
  • Component-based
  • Fast
  • SEO friendly
  • Community support


Where React JS are used?

For Dashboard - Some features make React JS one of the good options for developing a dashboard. React JS component-based architecture and component reusability make it easy to create modular codes.

E-commerce - React JS is best suitable for an eCommerce website due to its component reusability. Once the developer creates a component, this can be reused several times throughout the app and thus it can save time and money.

Web Application - React JS-based web application runs effortlessly transit into a mobile application. Also, React Native is mostly used for mobile app development. That makes it advantageous to run ReactJS-based web apps to run on mobile easily.

Social networking - ReactJS is developed by Facebook that’s why ReactJS is the first choice to build social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix also.


Lets WrapUp

As a front-end framework library, React JS did well with the comparison of other libraries and frameworks. React JS is one of the fastest web development frameworks with high performance and usability. React JS enable to build of a variety of web application from simple to-do web apps to eCommerce, dashboard, and more. React JS can support many back-end platforms and languages for a full-stack development with fast-running web applications.