Have you made a mistake with your name spelling? Now, are you looking for the possibility to change the name on Volaris Airlines Booking? Then you should opt for the Volaris Name Change via the Manage Booking option at the Official site.

Steps to Opt Managing Booking While Volaris Airlines Name Change

To seek full control over editing names to your booking wisely, you should rely on the steps given below.

  • First of all, customers are supposed to access the official Web portal of Volaris Airlines via any preferred browser.
  • After that, they must navigate and click access “My trips / Check-in” by entering the required details like the reservation code and the Last Name of the ticket holder.
  • With this, users are supposed to click the tab, “Go to My Trip.”
  • Now, they need to choose the initiatives that should be updated with the correct name.
  • Next, the users have to select change and get access to edit their reservations made on Volaris Airlines.
  • Afterward, one should click on the Edit along with the name section.

Source: https://gotartwork.com/Blog/how-do-i-change-my-passenger-name-on-volaris-/51896/