Sciatic nerve pain runs through the lower back to the one side hip, buttocks, leg, and feet. The pain can limit your daily movements and work. Sciatica targets only one side of the body. The pain usually occurs when a herniated disk or bone triggers the spine area and exerts a force on the nerve. This can cause inflammation and numbness in the lower back and lead to severe back pain.  


Therefore, the pain can sometimes be cured by specialists and daily exercises. However, there are some cases in which the pain leads to an extreme level which restricts the body from performing common activities. Even visiting the back pain doctor west orange and continuing the treatment for 6 to 7 weeks, the pain can come back. In that case, your doctor will suggest surgery to relieve the pain. 




Tips on how to choose the best specialist for sciatica:

  • Confer a PT professional for sciatica consolation

Sciatica can be an outburst for many people, the pain usually goes within a few weeks, and you can treat it with ice and OTC anti-inflammatories suggested by a therapist or a sciatic back pain treatment doctor. However, in many cases, sciatica nerve pain is a long problem. The patient may need a back specialist to treat the pain and find relief. 


Consult a professional back pain specialist and discuss your pain symptoms to ensure the pain you are experiencing is actually from the sciatic nerve so that they can help you with the best treatment options. The physical therapy team will help you find relief from exhausting pain. Your therapist will also ask you to change your lifestyle, like stretching, exercises, mind meditation, etc. Contact your back pain specialists in west orange and schedule an appointment to prevent sciatic nerve pain. The pain can be threatening and should not be left untreated or ignored.




  • Focus on Fitness

You must take preventive steps to reduce the pain risks to grow more as you must be attentive towards fitness. You should keep your body active, and daily exercise can help you prevent sciatica pain from arising again. 


The best way to keep fit is by maintaining your daily lifestyle habits. Routine exercise can help you combat sciatica nerve pain. You should do 15 to 20 minutes of walking daily to keep the nerve in motion, and you can notice some changes as you begin with it. 


  • Lift with Your Legs


Keeping your legs moving and pushing your back may worsen the pain. So while you lift your legs or do some activity, pay attention to how you raise your legs. Try setting pressure on your legs and bend with your knees and hips instead of your waist portion.


You can also use a lifting belt to support your back part and protecting from damage. 

Follow all the back pain treatment center therapists' guidelines and best practices not to risk your back by lifting anything heavy, especially alone.


In Conclusion:


Keep your back moving but do not risk your back by holding or lifting any heavy object. Take precautions and always keep changing your position, especially while working. Stand and work and use a back belt to support the back. Also, talk to a therapist about exercises and stretching training. Visit a back pain doctor Clifton if the pain is severe and causing much discomfort. 


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