Are you in for some great sex tonight? For many couples, foreplay is either non-existent or very short. Extended foreplay is known to increase orgasm intensity. But you may spend less time playing together because sex seems dull, boring, or mundane. This is your chance to get lucky and spice up your sex life with random pleasures.

With a little creativity, you can turn a standard deck of cards into your own personalized wish deck. Basically, any of your favorite games can be turned into an exciting story by adding intimate activities to the cards. You can specify interesting views for each group, each rank or individual cards and erotica stories. You can even assign intimate activities based on color combinations and layouts. Or face cards may be assigned sexual activities, but numbered cards are not. The sensory pleasure of playing cards can be customized in many different ways to suit the way you intend to play.

Present a variety of intimate activities by creating a variety of foreplay card games from one of your favorites. Design them to encourage you to try different types and intensities of stimulation for a full sensory experience. Since you want to stimulate all of your erogenous zones, try to avoid overdoing each type of foreplay activity. Record activities so you know what you're playing for.

For shy or slightly frustrated lovers, enjoying regular play together can help create a playful mood. Create an inviting play area and atmosphere that matches the foreplay toys you have in mind (glowing flames, candles, alcohol, soft music, tasty treats, pillows, etc.). Then enter the foreplay and loss bonus into the game. Include periodic removal of clothing appropriate for your sport. Being forced to strip naked adds to the excitement, but wanting to be naked shouldn't be your goal. As your foreplay progresses, develop clearer forms of sensual intimacy. For many card games, each hand is fast enough that you can create multiple lists of actions that gradually increase the level of intimacy.

Here are some examples of exciting game ideas based on the classic card game:

        Crazy Sex Game is an exciting variation of Crazy Eights with options to play what you really want: stripping, sensual foreplay and passionate sex. As you try to be the first to get rid of all the cards in your hand, get sensory rewards that match your matched cards. Play to win 4 games, scoring as normal. Win the game by making your friend take off an item of clothing. The highest score wins Total Libido.

        Remember Sex is an exciting adaptation of the memory card game. Try to find matches by turning only two cards at a time from a randomly placed deck. The performed actions are identified by different pairs of colors. If the match has the same color, the grouping is preserved but no action is taken. The player with the most matches wins the particular sex game activity or fantasy. Combine undressing activities with the Joker or play multiple games, losing one piece of clothing each round.

        Go Bleep Yourself is an exciting adaptation of the card game Go Fish for couples who enjoy intimate games. In this game, you can "ask for sex" by asking for matching cards. The player who makes the most successful sexual demands (matching pairs or cards) wins the sexual game or fantasy of their choice given in details in erotic magazine. If your guy has what you're looking for, you'll find it right there. However, if you ask for something they can't provide, they'll have to put you to sleep themselves.

        Manic Mood Match is a sexual adaptation of Snap. This is a quick and easy card game where matching cards leads to undressing, sensual foreplay and passionate sex. In this game, each card is a foreplay action that you work towards. If your boyfriend is also in the mood (match), go to him first and you will get a funny set of cards. The first player to win all the cards gets a special bonus activity to play sex, whatever your mood.