Whether you're a newbie to computers, or a seasoned technologist, there's a lot of technology trivia out there. From what the term "CPU" stands for, to the history of Apple's iPhone 7, there's always something to learn.Bonuses
What does "WP" stand for?

Depending on context, "WP" means different things. For instance, it can mean the person got lucky or they've been playing well. It can also be sarcastic. In the case of online poker, it can mean the player had a good game but didn't get the win.

The most common meaning of 'WP' is that it stands for 'well played'. It is used to congratulate an opponent after a game, but it can also be used as an expression of respect.

'WP' is commonly combined with 'GG' to form a phrase that is used in online gaming. The acronym is similar to the 'GG' acronym, but it is typically used only after winning.

In motorsports, 'WP' is a term that is often used to compliment a competitor. 'GG WP' is an abbreviation of 'Good Game, Well Played'.

'WP' is also used to denote the end of a period of play. It may be half of a map or the end of a series.

In Formula One, 'WP' is sometimes used to refer to the Winning Percent (WP) that is calculated after a series of races. It is the number of wins divided by the total number of matches.

As of 2009, WP had moved to Munderfing, Austria, which is located near the Mattighofen plant. The original WP facility in the Netherlands was used for racing support.

The company is now owned by Cross Industries, a company led by Stefan Pierer. The company's original name was White Power, and it was an importer of springs. During the 1980s, the company was referred to as a supplier of upside-down suspension forks for the KTM GS 500. It was the first manufacturer to introduce this style of suspension in mass production.
What does "CPU" stand for?

Often referred to as the brain of a computer, the CPU is one of the most crucial pieces of hardware in digital computing systems. It handles a variety of tasks, including logic, calculations, and even input/output.

CPUs are comprised of many microscopic transistors. These microchips work like switches, allowing the CPU to execute programs stored in memory. They also control the flow of electricity through integrated circuits.

A CPU is composed of a variety of parts, including an arithmetic/logic unit, a control unit, and a microprocessor. These are all located on the CPU's motherboard. Each has its own register, L1 cache, and optional L2 cache.

The CPU's arithmetic/logic unit handles the basic arithmetic operations, while the control unit controls the flow of input and output to the rest of the system.

The 'CPU' has been around since the early days of computers, and has undergone several technological advances over the years. One advancement is the transistor. The CPU has become more powerful over the decades, thanks in large part to Moore's Law. Using smaller transistors, the CPU is able to carry out a greater number of instructions per second.

The opcode is a field within an instruction that determines how the CPU will carry out a particular action. The CPU's 'input/output' capabilities are the main reason for its prominence in modern computer systems.

A CPU's ability to perform the'simple' operations is aided by the use of a chipset. The chipset is a group of small microchips on the CPU's motherboard that interact with each other and the motherboard.
What does "HTML" stand for?

Basically, HTML is a markup language. It helps the web browser know how to display text, images, and videos. It also defines the structure of a web page. It includes tags, character-based data types, and entity references.

HTML is an open-source standard, and its organization has a commitment to update its version regularly. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has taken over the task of developing and maintaining the language.

Initially, HTML was a static text that could be viewed through a browser. Later, some Web browser developers added tags to the text. This allowed users to interact with the operating system. Eventually, the HTML format became supported by all browsers.

HTML is one of the most common languages used to build a website. It is used by millions of developers to create websites. It can be used to host multimedia, build a brand, and run subscription-based businesses.

A document that is made using HTML must include a Document Type Declaration. This declares what type of rendering the page should use. It is essential that this is included at the very beginning of the document. If the document type is not specified, the browser will not recognize that it is HTML.

Generally, tags are placed before and after text, and surround the content. There are 18 HTML tags. Each tag has a start tag, an end tag, and a pair of opening and closing tags.
What does "NVM" stand for?

Whether you are a tech buff, a texting aficionado, or a Facebook user, you have probably seen the acronym NVM in your daily life. It is a slang term used in text messaging, social media, and online chat. But what exactly does it stand for?

In general, the acronym nvm stands for the oh so elegant phrase "never mind," or, if you are in the UK, "nevermind" (NVM). The phrase can be written in lowercase or uppercase. Typically, the latter is more common.

NVM is not a new acronym, and it is not without reason. Back in the early days of the internet, a lot of online chatting platforms had strict character limits. Hence, many people had to resort to abbreviations in order to keep up with the influx of information.

The NVM acronym may not be the most popular acronym around, but it's still used by a good number of users. In fact, a large percentage of users are probably well aware of the name's sexy (sexy?) implications. If you are not a big fan of acronyms, you might want to avoid this acronym like the plague.

Using an acronym in the right context is a great way to save time and energy. It can also be used as a shortcut to change the topic of discussion in a conversation. However, you should be careful when attempting to use the NVM to resolve a problem.
What did Apple ditch on their iPhone 7?

During their annual iPhone event in San Francisco, Apple revealed a design change a few months in the making. The most notable change was the omission of a 3.5mm headphone jack, which was the first of its kind in the iPhone line.

The headphone jack has been a staple in consumer electronics devices since the invention of the transistor radio. A 3.5mm socket is now standard in most mobile devices, and will likely be discontinued for the next iPhone.

One of the new features in the iPhone 7 is a haptic feedback engine, which simulates the feel of a real button. This feature is supposed to provide users with a more immersive experience.

The iPhone 7 also gets rid of the old-school Home Button. Instead, it has a solid-state version.

The omission is not too surprising. Apple has had a long history of favoring newer devices for certain features.

It's no secret that customers prefer smaller, less expensive products. The company has been enjoying healthy Mac sales growth for the last decade. They have a large and loyal customer base. Getting rid of the Home Button is a bit of a feat for Apple, as they need to be ruthless about cutting out unneeded components.

While Apple has not disclosed exactly how much it will raise the price of its new handset, the higher-end model will cost more than the iPhone 6 Plus did last year. The iPhone 7 will begin at $649 in the United States, with the larger model climbing to $770 US.
How big was the first computer?

Several computers have been built in the past. Some are still used today. Some are obsolete. However, there are some that have never been made.

The first electronic computer in the world was ENIAC, which was constructed in 1946. This giant computer consisted of nearly 18,000 vacuum tubes. The machine also included 18,800 radio valves. It was used for artillery shell trajectory tables and for breaking codes during World War II.

The next computer was the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC), which was conceived in 1937. It had a binary system of arithmetic and parallel processing. It was also capable of solving linear algebraic equations with up to 29 variables. It weighed 750 pounds and contained a memory storage of 3,000 bits. It was built by John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry.

The Atanasoff-Berry computer was smaller than the ENIAC. It operated on less than 100 watts of power. It had a memory of about 3,000 bits and a regenerative memory. It also had the ability to handle 30 operations at a time. It could solve differential equations using binary arithmetic.

The Atanasoff-Berry machine was a limited-function device, which did not have a central device. It was not programmable. Its main purpose was to store data.

The next computer was a more ambitious one. The University of Manchester switched on the Atlas Computer on December 7, 1962. The computer was described as the most powerful in the world. It was able to compute one million commands a second. It also featured interleaved storage, multiprogramming, and virtual memory. It was a great leap forward in scientific computing.