With the world switching to natural ways to maintain health and wellness, products like cannabidiol (CBD) oil are gaining importance due to their numerous potential health benefits.

The benefits of cannabis continue to make controversial headlines in the arena of medicine and wellness. But with more scientists, doctors, and consumers experiencing the many incredible benefits of CBD, oil specifically, it is probably a matter of time before it becomes a federally regulated element of your wellness selections.

What is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring cannabinoid derived from cannabis. It is one of over one hundred cannabinoids recognized in hemp plants. However, unlike the entire cannabis plant, CBD does not contain THC, which is responsible for the stoned/high feeling that the recreational drug supplies. Extracted from the buds and flowers of the hemp plant, CBD is being pressed into oil and is increasingly popular in treating and even preventing many health issues in states where therapeutic marijuana has now been legalized. CBD oil is stronger and more natural than most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Pain Management

CBD oil is widely considered an effective product to manage and treat pain. The endocannabinoid system is a specialized system in the human body that helps regulate sleep, appetite, immune system, and pain response. These naturally made endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body’s nervous system. CBD and hemp oil can help to relieve chronic pain by impacting this receptor activity, thus decreasing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters. 

Anxiety and Sleeplessness 

CBD oil has been safely used to treat anxiety, including PTSD and sleeplessness. CBD extracts can act on the brain’s receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that aids regulate mood and social behavior. It is equivalent to antidepressants, only more natural. You must be mindful of using only CBD oil to treat any anxiety-related conditions, as any traces of THC can increase anxiety and reverse the desired effect.

Prevent Diabetes

CBD oil is considered to prevent a condition called insulitis that kills pancreatic beta cells. Since insulitis is the major cause of Type I Diabetes, preventing insulitis can help prevent diabetes too. But for people who already have diabetes, CBD can reduce the side effects of the disease like neuroinflammation and memory deficits.

Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a significant cause of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and heart ailments. If you were to take a single dose of CBD oil daily, you’d find yourself with lower blood pressure. That means you’d have a lower chance of getting a stroke, heart attack, or heart disease. Both hemp seeds and hemp protein powder are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids help to maintain good cardiovascular health.

Antipsychotic Effects

CBD has been found to reduce psychotic symptoms in people suffering from mental disorders, such as psychosis and schizophrenia. The results have not been proven for all mental illnesses, but people with these disorders have reportedly obtained relief from CBD oil. 

Support for Cancer Patients

Increasing research supports the effectiveness of CBD oil in treating some symptoms related to cancer treatment, such as nausea and pain. In a recent study, patients undergoing chemotherapy used CBD oil and found it helped relieve the side effects of chemo, especially feelings of nausea. Most of these patients also reported that CBD helped reduce their discomfort and pain.

Other Benefits

Research reveals that CBD oil has several positive effects on the skin. This is due to its proven effectiveness in treating inflammation and its power to reduce sebum production and prevent the activation of small secreted proteins called cytokines. CBD-based products are also popping up in numerous sexual health products and skincare products, as they become a more natural solution to maintaining young-looking, healthy skin. 

People buy CBD Oil and other CBD-based products for different reasons, including reducing pain, controlling anxiety, and managing seizures. You should always consult your doctor before considering the idea of adding CBD to your health regimen.