Research says that men spend less than women, and younger people spend more than older people. It also claims that more educated people tend to spend less. Some people spend money easily, even if they are not rich, while others find it hard to splurge, even if they are rich. Quite a conundrum, isn’t it?

A spendthrift is someone who spends money recklessly. There can be different kinds of spendthrifts. Some are impulsive shoppers; others cannot control their spending at all. Spendthrifts wish to get instant gratification. They don’t care about their bills or the debts they rack up. But why do some people become spendthrifts? What drives them to spend money lavishly?

There are a few reasons why people spend frivolously. Psychological or emotional motivation can be a factor behind uncontrolled spending. Here are some reasons that can make a person spendthrift. "AstroVedSpeaks: Connect with astrologers for personalized insights and guidance."

Lack of financial planning

Spendthrifts lack a proper financial plan. They do not set financial goals for the future. Instead, they spend their hard earned money as if there is no tomorrow. They spend it on expensive clothes, jewelry, trips, meals, vacations, etc. They don’t think about future needs. This kind of compulsive spending often leads them into a debt trap

Keeping up with the Joneses

Some spendthrifts think that social status is measured by their possessions. Hence, they splurge money on expensive things that serve as status symbols. It makes them feel good to be part of the elite crowd, which owns palatial houses and high-end cars and lives a jet-setting lifestyle. But this also leads to a debt trap and poverty in old age.

Feelings of insecurity

Spendthrifts often suffer from feelings of insecurity. They crave acceptance and a sense of belonging. To gain these, they spend money so that they will be accepted by others. However, they fail to realize that the problem lies within them, and no amount of spending will bring them genuine and meaningful connections with others.

Lack of financial intelligence

Many parents don’t teach their children how to manage money. This kind of education is most essential and teaches children the value of money and the importance of saving for the future. It makes them handle money responsibly.

Spendthrifts are likely to experience conflicts regarding money. They may behave irresponsibly toward their family and spend money just to satisfy their own needs. This kind of behavior can negatively impact their financial stability and relationships.

In astrology, people born under some zodiac signs love to spend money. This personality trait is due to the planetary influences on their life. Let us find out which signs are likely to be spendthrifts.


Aries natives are ruled by Mars. This gives them an impatient and impulsive nature, which also influences their spending habits. When they see something they fancy, they have to have it immediately, no matter what it costs. Aries believes in instant gratification. So, they will buy things on impulse and make spontaneous purchases.


Leos are ruled by the Sun. They have a very generous nature. They are also flamboyant personalities who love things that spell class and luxury. They also spend money on these things because it boosts their image among their friends and family. Leos are known for their vain and attention-seeking ways. Leos also love to shower expensive gifts on their loved ones.


Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. They are fashionable, have a good sense of aesthetics, and wish to acquire beautiful things. Their spending habits have more to do with embellishing their appearance and creating an elegant and beautiful environment. Shopping for high-end fashion or tasteful home décor gives Librans immense pleasure. One can call them true shopaholics.


Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter. They are very adventurous and love to explore new places. Hence, they are likely splurge money on trips to exotic destinations and outdoor activities.


Pisces is ruled by Neptune. They are emotional and sensitive. The spending habits of these natives are often driven by their emotions. Retail therapy was probably invented by a Piscean. Whether they are elated, sad, or feeling confused, Pisces natives opt for retail therapy. In fact, they can get addicted to it.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury. These natives are also known for being curious and impulsive. They can be faddish in their spending habits. One day, they will sign up for a salsa class; the next day, they will enroll in Spanish lessons; and on the third day, they will drop both and sign up for something new that has caught their fancy. Their innate curiosity makes them spend money on things they want to explore, but they can lose interest after a while. They are also fond of retail therapy. "AstroVedSpeaks: Your celestial guide to personal growth and enlightenment."