Dermatologists and other medical professionals use fractional CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin treatment to treat deep wrinkles, acne scars, and other skin issues. This procedure is non-invasive. It uses a carbon dioxide laser to help remove the outer layers of damaged skin. And you are leaving skin that is younger-looking, flawless, and firmer. The procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete, after which you can get back to your normal activities right away.

A laser operates medically by producing a high-energy light wavelength. Targeting a specific skin condition causes it to produce heat and destroy unhealthy cells. A variety of laser types exist. The material that generates the laser beam sets them all apart. The medium amplifies light of a particular wavelength when it travels through it.

Why Would One Use A Fractional Co2 Laser?

The best option for those who wish to lessen the appearance of pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and acne scars is a fractional laser. Fractional CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin treatment is also beneficial for other skin conditions. If you underwent a poorly executed facelift and have non-responsive skin, surgeons might suggest considering this type of surgery. CO2 Laser can address a variety of skin conditions, such as age spots, enlarged oil glands, wrinkles, and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, sun damage that results in sagging skin, and uneven skin tones. Usually, the face is the target. The laser can treat the hands, arms, and neck.

Which Skin Issues Is Co2 Laser Resurfacing Able To Treat?

CO2 laser therapy is highly recommended for severely sunburned skin, which exhibits symptoms such as:

  • Both coarse and fine wrinkles
  • Skin discolorations such as dyspigmentation
  • Veins in spiders
  • Decrease in suppleness

Additionally, it works incredibly well to improve the following skin conditions:

  • Scars from acne, chicken pox, and surgery
  • Stretches marks
  • Problems with pigmentation, such as brown spots and melasma
  • Rhinophyma, or excessive nasal pore enlargement caused by disorders such as rosacea

An alternative treatment for superficial non-melanoma skin cancers and benign skin growths such as actinic keratosis, warts, and moles is CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin. If your skin condition is not improving with other treatments or if facial plastic surgery is not recommended, consider thinking about this procedure.

How Do Fractional Co2 Lasers Operate?

Relative lasers remove layers of skin. It removes the thin outer layer of skin and warms the skin beneath. This encourages the growth of new collagen fibers, and when the epidermis heals and regenerates, the Fractional CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin produces skin that is tighter, smoother, and clearer. On the other hand, IPL devices and other non-ablative lasers do not remove any skin layer. They promote the synthesis of collagen. It improves the skin's tone and texture as well. This means that there is less downtime and healing time.

What Are The Main Advantages Of Using A Fractional Co2 Laser?

By creating an injury, CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin can treat and improve a wide range of skin conditions. In our office, we primarily use fractionated CO2, which injures a predetermined percentage of tissue, leaving healthy tissue in between as a healing bridge. Skin cells regenerate, and the body's natural healing process creates new collagen and elastin. Treatments with CO2 lasers can:

  • Lessen visible UV damage and pigmentation, leaving the skin's tone more uniform.
  • Reduces the appearance of scarring from surgery and acne. Usually, several treatments are required in these situations.
  • Outstanding enhancement, significantly softening the fine lines.
  • Reduces roughness in texture.
  • The slight tightening effect is caused by the heat's ability to stimulate the production of collagen and elasticity.
  • Deep furrows are diminished but not eliminated.
  • Results from a single treatment can linger for months or even years.
  • CO2 is an excellent complement to injectables, surgical procedures, and other skin treatments.


Fractional CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing Skin Therapy is a unique treatment option offered by Rejuven Med Spa that addresses a range of skin concerns, including pigmentation problems, wrinkles, and acne scars. With the help of high-energy light wavelengths, this non-invasive technique can target and rejuvenate damaged skin, giving the appearance of younger, more flawless, and firmer skin. For those looking for a skincare procedure that can truly transform their skin tone, CO2 laser resurfacing is a flexible and reliable choice because of its short recovery time and durable outcomes.