5 Activities Offered by Memory Care Services

Dementia, a cell-damaging disease, affects 6.5 million individuals in the United States. This chronic condition progressively worsens over time. It results in cognitive impairment, disorientation, and impaired interpersonal communication.

Engaging in activities they once enjoyed may be more difficult for seniors with dementia. But doing so is vital for their physical and mental health and well-being as well as the maintenance of healthy brain function. So memory care services often focus on offering stimulating activities for seniors.

A multitude of activities exist that can assist adults with dementia. This is to maintain mental acuity. The below mentioned are the most prevalent forms of memory care activities!

Musical Therapy

Memory care services often focus on music to improve the physical, social, and emotional health of individuals who attend therapy. Seniors with dementia can benefit from music therapy in the following areas: motor skills, mood, and communication abilities. It aids numerous individuals with a variety of memory loss issues.

At home, you may assist your senior loved one in creating music with pots and pans, instruments, or even pencils by playing their old and new favored songs. Music has the ability to inspire older individuals (with dementia) to hum, croon, or dance, in addition to aiding in memory retention. Despite lacking motor function and responding to stimuli, seniors with dementia will continue to respond to and engage with music. Among other benefits, music can alleviate pain, stimulate movement, and unite adults. 

Sensory Stimulation

In order to maintain the interest of individuals with dementia, it is vital to stimulate their senses. As previously stated, music can facilitate seniors with dementia in establishing a connection with their surroundings. However, elderly individuals can also be entertained by other activities besides music.

In order to facilitate adult engagement and interaction with the environment, sensory stimulation uses objects that elicit responses from one or more senses. The best memory care services have proven that seniors' self-esteem and cognitive health benefit greatly from engaging in an activity that stimulates their sensibilities and it makes them feel good. The following are some possible actions you can carry at home:

  • Simple domestic tasks, such as folding linens
  • Simple techniques for untying knots in thick rope
  • Organizing fabric remnants according to weight, color, texture, or pattern

Seniors with dementia may be better able to recall familiar objects by utilizing them. These can be playthings from their youth or objects that can be utilized to enact events from their daily lives or professions. Even in the absence of recollection, a senior may experience a sense of security and comfort when interacting with a familiar object or action.

Choose objects that hold personal significance for the individual in question. It need not be elaborate or identical to what was available in the past. A senior who has experience of raising children might find value in an infant doll, for example. They may rock the doll to slumber or even perform diaper changes for a nostalgic effect. Color books, paintbrushes, and paper might be sufficient for an artist. Explore one's individual interests and discover enjoyable activities with ingenuity.

Safety always takes precedence. In order to prevent administering items that may be ingested or used for self-harm, it is critical to be aware of the specific requirements and typical behaviors of each senior.

Build A Memory Corner

Design small spaces designated to keep mementos near at hand. These are the memory corners that seniors cherish. This section is suitable for displaying awards, special occasions, keys, spectacles, or even your cell phone, in addition to photographs of your loved ones.

Providing your loved one with these items in close proximity will assist them in feeling secure and comfortable when they are anxious or bewildered. Additionally, you can store vital documents in this spot. A loved one may be less likely to misplace items such as reading spectacles if instructed to keep them in the same place.

Establish a memory space within their room. This is where they can safely store all of these items. By this method, they will be readily accessible to all individuals, including caregivers, when required. It could be a basin or an old shoebox atop a nightstand or end table, for instance.

Physical Activity

It is widely recognized that exercise is beneficial for mental health. Studies suggest that daily exercisers may experience a delayed onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Whether you exercise alone or in a group, what is more important is that you move. The following are some activities that can be performed in groups:

  • Dancing
  • Yoga or Tai Chi
  • Video games

These activities provide seniors with an enjoyable way to socialize with their loved ones or fellow seniors. An excellent way to spend more time with an elderly loved one is by using a walker. Engage in outdoor activities with your companion. It is of utmost significance. Being outdoors improves their mental and physical health. It encourages them to engage in additional activities. This is a wonderful opportunity to exercise while spending time with a loved one.

Games & Puzzles

Engaging in brain-stimulating thoughts are great for seniors. Involving in puzzles and activities is highly beneficial. They can be utilized to improve one's language skills, memory, and problem-solving abilities. It is a common belief that engaging in riddles and games can aid in cognitive preservation. It also slows the advancement of memory disorders. Additionally, they can assist dementia patients in maintaining interest in their surroundings and occupation.

Seniors with dementia may encounter challenges in learning new games. They remain capable of participating in familiar, simple card games such as Old Maid, Go Fish, Crazy 8s, or the Midwest classic, Euchre. Dice diversions such as Yahtzee are also a great activity.

Solving problems while engaging in simple puzzles is an excellent method to stimulate the mind. Additionally, a family photograph could be utilized to create a game that a family member can assemble.


These memory care, adult day care activities are a great place to begin if you want to keep a loved one who is suffering from dementia occupied and enhance their overall health. Participating in these activities will help a loved one in a variety of ways to maintain their connection to their surroundings and to maintain their interest. For more information, contact the nearest memory care services and discuss your concerns!