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素晴らしいProfessional-Cloud-Security-Engineer ダウンロード & 合格スムーズProfessional-Cloud-Security-Engineer 復習時間 | 高品質なProfessional-Cloud-Security-Engineer 問題と解答

Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Security Engineer Exam問題集を今すぐダウンロード

質問 48
Your company operates an application instance group that is currently deployed behind a Google Cloud load balancer in us-central-1 and is configured to use the Standard Tier network. The infrastructure team wants to expand to a second Google Cloud region, us-east-2. You need to set up a single external IP address to distribute new requests to the instance groups in both regions.
What should you do?

  • A. Change the load balancer backend configuration to use network endpoint groups instead of instance groups.
  • B. Change the load balancer frontend configuration to use the Premium Tier network, and add the new instance group.
  • C. Create a Cloud VPN connection between the two regions, and enable Google Private Access.
  • D. Create a new load balancer in us-east-2 using the Standard Tier network, and assign a static external IP address.

正解: A


質問 49
You want to evaluate GCP for PCI compliance. You need to identify Google's inherent controls.
Which document should you review to find the information?

  • A. PCI SSC Cloud Computing Guidelines
  • B. Google Cloud Platform: Customer Responsibility Matrix
  • C. Product documentation for Compute Engine
  • D. PCI DSS Requirements and Security Assessment Procedures

正解: A



質問 50
An organization is starting to move its infrastructure from its on-premises environment to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The first step the organization wants to take is to migrate its ongoing data backup and disaster recovery solutions to GCP. The organization's on-premises production environment is going to be the next phase for migration to GCP. Stable networking connectivity between the on-premises environment and GCP is also being implemented.
Which GCP solution should the organization use?

  • A. BigQuery using a data pipeline job with continuous updates via Cloud VPN
  • B. Compute Engines Virtual Machines using Persistent Disk via Cloud Interconnect
  • C. Cloud Storage using a scheduled task and gsutil via Cloud Interconnect
  • D. Cloud Datastore using regularly scheduled batch upload jobs via Cloud VPN

正解: C



質問 51
