So there's a tool called Ubersuggest that I have, and you can use it for free. You can type in a keyword or a phrase and click on when you're in Ubersuggest you want to go to the content ideas report, it'll tell you what's popular based off of social shares, like Facebook and Pinterest. Search traffic, what ranks well in Google and how much traffic does it get and what keywords is a rank for. And the third thing is links. What other sites are linking to it because they like the content? So you want to look at the topics and the exact headline that are doing well, and it'll also show you in the tool, what doesn't do well. So you want to more so focus on creating content that's popular on what people like.

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Now, you don't want to just copy that and regurgitate what's already existing on the web, but you want to do something that's better than that. Think of skyscrapers. And in the United States we may have the Empire State Building, then you may have someone in Dubai who's like, ah, we're going to create the Burj Khalifa, I think was what it's called. And it's going to be even taller, it's going to be double the height. I'm making it up. You're going to have somebody in China say, we're going to do triple the height, we're going to have our buildings go into the clouds.


The point I'm making is, you want your content to stand out and be unique, go above and beyond what people are already doing. because if something's already popular and have worked well, if you do something that's double, triple better, you're much more likely to have your content do really well too. - And I think it's also important that writers and marketers even step back further, and what is the end goal? Is it just to get- Is it the end goal actually sales, or is it just to build the list? Is there different content for different purposes? - There is. And you know this better than anyone else, right? If you're trying to get someone to opt into lead, it's easier to get them to opt in to a lead than it is to get them to buy. So if they opt in to a lead, you may just have to write content that provides them a quick solution or some tips or some educational advice. If you want someone to buy, you have to answer so many more objections, head-on pinpoints, social proof, all those things matter, right? So you got to think about what stage the person is in and what kind of content they want to see. - Okay. Now, I've also heard you say that marketers need to learn how to leverage video content. Now, what do you feel is the best way to go about doing that? - The best way is to bust out your phone (laughing) do it yourself, and straight up just upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. Now ones could say, Hey, how do I optimize it for SEO and get the most traffic? Don't worry about that at the beginning. Worry about just connecting with people from a visual aspect, because nowadays everyone is watching content.

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YouTube is so popular and even Facebook is, Instagram is, they all have video. Even LinkedIn has video. If you can leverage video, you can build a deeper connection with people. That connection also builds trust, and that's what helps people convert into customers as well. - All right. And that ties into one of the other skills that you recommend writers and marketers have to, to be successful in the digital world. And that storytelling that's something that obviously AWAI focuses a lot of time and energy in, but I love hearing it from your perspective as well. -