Have you noticed that your gums seem a touch swollen or red? Maybe when you brush or floss, they bleed? These might indicate gum disease. Gum disease treatment near me is a common and curable condition. You may learn more about the various gum-care alternatives available by reading this guide.


What Is Gum Disease?


It's important to understand what gum disease is before beginning any therapies. Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, begins as gum inflammation. Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two stages that it can go through as it progresses. It might result in tooth loss and other health issues if not treated quickly.


Treatments for Early Stage Gum Disease (Gingivitis)


The less severe form of gum disease treatment Houston is gingivitis. Here are some steps you can take to stop it if you catch it early:




Regular Dental Cleanings


Your dentist should be seen twice a year if there is a need for teeth bonding near me. Plaque and tartar that are difficult to remove with regular brushing can sometimes be removed with regular cleanings.


Improved Dental Hygiene


Daily flossing and twice-daily brushing can have a significant impact. Make sure your toothpaste has fluoride, and think about incorporating an antibacterial mouthwash into your daily routine.


Treatments for Advanced Gum Disease (Periodontitis)


Gum disease becomes increasingly dangerous as it advances. However, there are still remedies that can be helpful:


Scaling and Root Planing


This is a thorough cleaning process. Plaque and tartar will be eliminated from both above and below the gumline by your dentist or hygienist. Following that, the tooth root will have its rough places smoothed off). Your gums will reattach to your teeth with this aid.




Various drugs can be used to control gum disease. Some are offered as a gel, mouthwash, or even a prescription medication. They can help lessen bacteria and the size of the pockets that develop between your teeth and gums.


Surgical Treatments


Surgery may be required if other therapies are unsuccessful. Here are a few surgical possibilities:


Flap Surgery/Pocket Reduction


Tartar will be removed by your dentist by lifting back your gums. In order to reduce the area where bacteria might thrive, uneven surfaces may occasionally be smoothed. To close the gap between your teeth, your gums will then be positioned closely around them.




Bone Grafts


The bone that has been lost due to gum disease can be replaced with small fragments of your own bone or synthetic bone. This promotes bone growth and aids in maintaining the position of your teeth.


Home Care and Prevention


Care at home is crucial regardless of the course of treatment. Gum disease can be stopped from returning with good oral hygiene practices. You should take the following actions to prevent tooth infection symptoms:


  • Twice daily, brush your teeth.
  • Floss every day.
  • Plaque between your teeth can be reduced by using mouthwash.
  • Don't smoke or use tobacco in any way.
  • Follow a healthy diet.
  • If the bristles are frayed, replace your toothbrush more quickly than every three to four months.
  • Keep your scheduled dental appointments.




As crucial as maintaining your teeth is maintaining your gums. Acting quickly is crucial if you spot gum disease symptoms. There are therapies available to help, whether you have gum disease that is just starting out or is far along. Remember that you can maintain healthy gums and safeguard them by cavity filling houston your stunning smile with the proper attention and care.