1. Water powder cream - a liquid foundation with high water content
It is super suitable for dry skin, but the concealer power is not good. The water powder cream in the online beauty supply store is just a name and a code, not a single product. The skin has no flaws to use, and the makeup effect is light and not easy to use.
2. Liquid foundation - it is necessary for a complete set of perfect foundation makeup
Liquid foundation in the online beauty supply store is a liquid foundation make-up. Compared with the moisturizing effect of water powder cream, the oil control effect of liquid foundation is relatively better. Liquid foundation should select different product types for different skin types. Liquid foundation is protective. It is the first step of makeup and the last step of skincare. It blocks dust in the air from entering the skin, so it plays a protective role.
3. Water powder cream and liquid foundation have different irritations to the skin
The irritation is roughly powder ≥ air cushion>liquid foundation>BB>water powder cream. However, different cosmetics have different ingredients, and their irritation also varies. However, relatively speaking, powder is still more irritating and can never be used directly. However, the irritation of water powder creams is relatively small. Generally, water powder creams can be directly washed off with a cleansing cleanser, while other types require proper makeup removal. The corresponding gouache cream's concealer and facial repair ability is relatively weak. It is recommended that girls with good skin texture should use water powder cream, as the irritation is relatively low.
4. Suitable for different skin types
Water powder cream in the online beauty supply store is suitable for people with neutral skin, as using water powder cream on dry skin can appear too dry. Only neutral skin has a very good condition, so it is very suitable to use this way.
A liquid foundation is a kind of liquid object. It is light in texture and easy to apply on the face. The effect of concealer and moisturizing is very good. Liquid foundation is suitable for those who have dry skin and are looking for nude makeup.
5. Different textures
Water powder cream is relatively thick, after all, it is a cream. Water powder cream is generally more moisturizing, and there is no need to use too much moisturizing before makeup, which can cause makeup to take off.
Liquid foundation is relatively thin, and even some liquid foundation has a strong oil control effect, so it is necessary to do a good job of skin moisturizing before makeup, and it is more appropriate to use in summer.
6. Different degrees of concealer
The concealer effect of water powder cream in the online beauty supply store will be more obvious, but the disadvantage is that the makeup feeling is also thicker. Liquid foundation has strong fluidity and is relatively thin. The thinner it is, the worse the concealer effect is.
7. Different usage
Water powder cream cannot be applied with a brush, as the makeup feels thicker and the face appears fake when applied.
There are many makeup tools in the online beauty supply store used for liquid foundation. Due to its strong fluidity and light texture, it can even be applied by hand.