If your adult child is ready to move out, there are various options available to them, such as group homes or residential support program for adults with disabilities.

Residential support programs can assist those living with disabilities by helping them pay rent and get assistance with daily tasks, as well as provide advocacy services and legal protection against housing discrimination.

Continuum of Care

A continuum of care refers to services that facilitate transitioning from one type of health care to the next. Nurses are experts at providing this type of assistance and should help their patients transition smoothly between different forms of treatment while making sure appointments for follow-up are scheduled on a timely basis. It may also refer to health information systems which track a patient's wellbeing over time.

A Continuum of Care program offers housing and supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in every community across Canada, tailored specifically to local needs and goals: stable housing. It consists of five program components - permanent housing, transitional housing, rapid rehousing services, shelter support services and a Homeless Management Information System - each one covering certain costs eligible under its category in the interim rule for CoC programs.

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) refers to permanent community-based rental apartments equipped with supportive services and intended to help homeless individuals and families with an identified disability that have been verified by medical professionals find housing stability.

Transitional Housing (TH) offers short-term rental assistance combined with services designed to help individuals and families achieve housing stability more quickly. This program prioritizes transitioning households with disabilities from homelessness into permanent homes as quickly as possible.

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) provides rental assistance combined with short and medium-term supportive services, such as housing search and placement assistance, landlord mediation, job readiness training programs and tenant support programs that are tailored specifically to an individual's individual needs and circumstances.

Family/Shared Living

Individuals living in Seven Hills' Host Family Housing option live with family members who welcome them into their homes and lives, giving them the power to participate fully in everyday life and relationships, make decisions based on their preferences and interests, as well as receive training and support from Seven Hills to deliver optimal care including meals, homemaker services, transportation services and socialization activities. Host Families receive training from Seven Hills to deliver such services while their Provider receives a tax-free stipend from Seven Hills.

Example: A young man with autism lives with a non-disabled roommate, sharing living costs, meal preparation, shopping and chore responsibilities together. They also benefit from drop-in support provided by an outside provider.

Group homes provide another form of residential support program, regulated by Texas HHSC and consisting of up to four people living together while receiving residential services from an outside provider. Usually located in suburban settings and overseen by their supervisor.

Moving out of their family homes can be an important step toward greater independence for some adults. They may choose to live alone or share a private home with roommates; alternatively they might prefer more family-like settings like backyard apartments, remodeled home additions or small cottages located throughout the borough and that can be found by calling 211 or searching the HHSC website - making these programs an excellent option for individuals seeking to remain part of the community.

Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs)

ICF/ID are residential options designed to support adults with disabilities that provide room, board and protective oversight in home-like settings. Specialized care services (AT) help people reach maximum independence. Access to ICFs/IDs does not depend on state level need criteria or waiting lists - making access more available than other long-term care solutions such as home or community based services.

ICFs are often misconstrued as nursing homes; however, their focus lies with providing services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities rather than elderly care. Many are large congregate settings with many residents; light intermediate care provides assistance for few daily activities like bathing or changing clothes while moderate intermediate care covers three or four supervised daily activities in addition to supervision and behavioral management support.

URI residences are licensed ICF/IDs, offering individuals the chance to live within a home-like community and receive personalized attention from staff members dedicated to meeting their goals and needs every day. As well as person-centered planning and Medicaid service coordination, our ICF/IDs also provide recreation programs, vocational training and day habilitation - in a safe and supportive environment - each year all residents participate in recreational or day habilitation activities outside their residence.


Merakey provides homes and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1960 on Verree Road in Philadelphia. Now known as NHS Human Services, they serve nearly 800 individuals who face behavioral challenges, physical health concerns, or medical conditions that require complex attention. Since becoming one of Pennsylvania's premier providers for developmental disability services.

Organization operates residential programs in community group homes, family living/life sharing arrangements and apartment settings. Furthermore, day program services are also offered across various locations.

Residential settings provide safe, caring environments that encourage growth and independence for each individual. Services provided can be tailored specifically to each person's needs; for example behavioral support may be offered, as well as individualized health care.

Other services provided by us:

Behavioral Support Services provide individuals with the assistance necessary to live the best lives possible, through certified behavior support professionals working directly with individuals and their families to set goals and develop plans of success. Autism Residential Services provide high levels of support to adults living independently with autism by offering 24x7 housing staffed with professional mental health staff providing supervision, medication management and supportive supervision services - while offering various housing options tailored specifically for each person in its care.