Since its first release in 2015, Amazon Brand Registry has endured many repetitions of progress. While its real need of trademark safety remains unchanged, the software has been upgraded to involve properties that help you build a stronger brand and provide an unusual customer experience.

In this blog, we are going to cover different aspects of Amazon Trademark Registration, its features & benefits.

  • What is Amazon Brand Registry ?

  • Amazon Brand Registry Benefits For Sellers

  • Do you need a trademark for Amazon’s Brand Registry?
  • Amazon Brand Registry Costs
  • Expert Trademark, Design & Domain Services
  • The Final Word on Getting Started with Brand Registry
  • Key Takeaways


What is Amazon Brand Registry ?

Amazon's Brand Registry program is an formal Amazon plan in which reputable brand keepers (or their registered model) have trademarked brands on file with Amazon. Being on file allocation approach to a layer of Amazon services (protections and perks) that unregistered brands or resellers do not have.


There are no costs confederated with Amazon Brand Registry association . Some associated services, such as the clearness program, are, however, not free. In most cases, the first step in establishing a brand main office in the United States is to submit a function to the United States glaring and Trademark Office. The all working takes a few months, and during that time you should perhaps talk to a lawyer.


Amazon has just introduced an alternate service that will cut down on the amount of time clients need to wait in line. If you do not like to wait for such a long interval of time, you may take advantage of this new service. Through the use of the Amazon IP service, you will be able to authorize a relation with a creative ability delegate that is engaged with Amazon, submit an application for a trademark, and have your products certified for the Brand Registry while an  operation for a trademark is pending.  

The filing process is rather straightforward, assuming that you have conducted all of the necessary research in preparation for registering for your officially registered trademark.

Amazon Brand Registry Benefits For Sellers

The Amazon Brand Registry is a strong initiative that offers registered vendors a number of advantages. The following are some advantages of using Amazon's Brand Register:


Better Control Over Amazon Listing 

When brand owners sell their items on Amazon, one of the most aggravating problems they might run into is when illegal modifications are built to their product program by a third-party dealer (3P). 

These enhancements could have a  tragedy effect on how well your listing does.Imagine your listing suddenly having difficulty from problems  such as mislay its rating for certain keywords, having items images removed, or having information that is incorrectly displayed on it.

Not only may this lead to a reduction in reconstruction and a lower level of confidence in the association, but it also has the potential to result in an increase in returns and unfavorable reviews.

The owner of the brand retains more control over the item after registering it on Amazon, despite the fact that this does not  certify that an illegal amendment won't be made to the listing. This indicates that you are able to monitor any modifications that are made to your listing and return it back to the stage it was in when it was first created.


Better Protection Against Counterfeiters

Amazon provides strong pretender revelation and removal potential for inducted brand owners. Brand-registered merchants can mechanically check the product database for reproduction and report them. Amazon Brand Registry offers up to date capabilities like image search to locate items with related pictures or logos. 

To check for different infractions without your permit, check all thirteen of Amazon's current marketplaces. The Amazon brand safety team will remove counterfeit listings if you report them. 


A+ Content

visibly showcasing your brand and product characteristics on the Amazon product details page is easiest with Amazon A+ Content. 

Most A+ matter has four different kinds of advantages. For example:


  1. Using different pictures and schedules, you can tell a fascinating story about your items and show shoppers what makes it vital.
  2. It lets you tell the story of your brand on the product listing page and  figure brand identification and trust to keep clients and get them to buy from you again. 
  3. The A+ product  contrast charts help shoppers find more of your brand's goods and make better possibilities. 
  4. With A+ content, dealers can also add movies to the product page, which makes customers more interested and increases sales.

Do you need a trademark for Amazon’s Brand Registry?

In order to apply for the Brand Registry program, you need to already have a trademark registration in place for your product. In order to comply with this requirement in the United States, your trademark has to be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


How do I get a trademark?

To get the ball rolling, you’ll need to take these steps: 

  1. Read up on the topic. Verify that no other trademarks have been filed for a name or logo that is alike to yours. Do an extensive search on the USPTO's formal database to detect.
  2. Register your trademark in a definite classification. This is parallel to how Amazon helps you narrow down the kind of items you can sell under your brand name. The trademark's fee will differ with the class in which it is filed.
  3. Employ the services of a trademark lawyer. Your trademark alliance might be entered by them. Lawyers that are skilled in this area of law may be found both locally and online.

How long does it take to get a trademark registered?

The USPTO usually responds after a year. 

Your Amazon brand approval doesn't take a year. 

Amazon's IP Accelerator connects Amazon business owners to vetted IP counsel who aid with trademarks.


Amazon will authorize your goods for the Brand Registry before accepting your trademark registration if you cooperate with an Amazon-selected IP specialist.


How long does it take for Amazon Brand Registry approval?

If you already have a trademark or have made a request through the IP Accelerator program, the full clearance procedure should take roughly two weeks to complete. This is the case whether or not you have a trademark. Simply make sure that you include everything that Amazon requires for your brand in the initial submission. 


Also, make sure that you study all of the eligibility conditions, and take notice that your brand has to have an active trademark registered in each nation where you would like to join in order to be eligible. 


Amazon Brand Registry Costs

There are  presently no fees related to the Amazon Brand Registry. However, in order to be allowed to enter an alliance to the Brand Registry, you will require to have a trademark that has been registered.The fees associated with registering a trademark commonly range from $225 to $400. However, these costs may change depending on the idea of insurance coverage that you select to buy.

According to my investigation, the Amazon Brand Registry enterprise allows qualifying brand owners to sign up for it at no cost before the cutoff date of September 2021. However, it is good to keep in mind that prices and imperative are subject to modification over time. Because of this, it is given that you turn to the formal website for the Amazon Brand Registry or get in contact with Amazon straightly to obtain the most modern data regarding any power outlay that may be connected with the program.


In addition, while involvement in the Brand Registry work does not  acquire any fees, dealers should be aware that there may be more expenses required while entering business on Amazon. These payments may include redirection fees, completion fees, advertising cost, and cost associated with other different services. These amounts are subject to change depending on unsteadiness such as the items category, the manner of fulfillment, and the advertising options made. It is always a good plan to safely check Amazon's charge body and regulation in order to get a moderate understanding of the financial consequences associated with your common conditions.

Expert Trademark, Design & Domain Services

Decentralized trademark portfolio management makes timely and informed decision-making difficult, causing discrepancies and squandering time and money.  It can help you fill gaps in your trademark portfolio while saving money. With the use of smart pre-selection, our worldwide brand vigilance service can quickly identify any new trademark applications that are confusingly similar to existing ones.

Our combined trademark, design, and domain services cover the complete trademark lifecycle: 


  • Search: Comprehensive search results that save you time and effort by combining AI and analyst knowledge.
  • Observe: IP asset monitoring with pre-selection to maximize observed relevance and minimize noise.
  • Renewals: cost-effective renewal services for trademarks and designs.
  • Management of recordals, assignments, and title updates for all intellectual property rights.
  • Domain Name administration: The administration of corporate domain name registrations in a streamlined fashion.
  • Online Brand Protection: Case management system and take-down services for monitoring, identifying, and responding to online brand infringement. 


The Final Word on Getting Started with Brand Registry

Amazon prioritizes brand owners over resellers when fighting counterfeiters, hijackers, and other marketplace destabilizers. If you possess a trademarked brand, you should apply for Amazon Brand Registry for its marketing, analytics, and protection benefits.


Seller Labs Managed Services specialists believe that not enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry makes business easy for your competitors and harder for you.

 We're here to help you start now.When we work with clients, the error that we notice most often is that they do not have any A+content at all. The capability for brands to share the story of their brand within the Amazon marketplace is a best resort for those brands. There are concepts that are accessed that are simple to restore, so there is no cause why your listings shouldn't have A+content.


Key Takeaways

Amazon Brand Registry offers improved tools and services to help maintain control over your items listings on the Amazon marketplace, protect conceptual characteristics, and fight against imitation. It not only safeguards the honor of your brand but also makes sure that your clients have a trustworthy experience when they are shopping with you. Get in contact with us right away if you have any further questions or need any other data regarding the Amazon Brand Registry.

Search more about the Amazon Strategy and Services that we offer here.