Post-tensioning is a process of reinforcing and prestressing concrete. Stresses are brought into the concrete using bars or strands of steel while it is being constructed. The strands of steel are typically used in horizontal construction such as foundations and beams. Steel bars are used for vertical purposes such as columns and walls. Concrete is very strong in compression and weak in tension. Steel however is very strong in tension. By combining the two materials we create a component, which is strong in both tension and compression. More benefits can be found by using steel to place the concrete into compression. This increases it's tensile strength, which allows for longer spans and thinner sections - post-tensioned slabs.

It also helps to stop the formation of shrinkage cracks, which in turn stops moisture passing through the material. The more the concrete is compressed, the less likely it is that cracking will occur. Using post-tensioned concrete allows for flexible column spacing and structural depth. As post-tensioned concrete within buildings becomes increasingly popular in the UK market, understanding of the principles and the attributes of this method of construction is becoming more widespread. Post-tensioning specialist works closely with consultants, contractors, and clients to promote this knowledge - post-tensioned design.

The main advantage to creating concrete construction panels in this manner is that it reduces the maintenance needed to keep the structure as a whole fully operational. Whether the finished product is a slab foundation or a nuclear containment wall, it will have the flexibility it needs to resist temperature and environmental changes, less material will be needed to cover the same area, a lighter structure weight overall and a higher level of structural integrity with a marked increase in deflection and vibration control.

This provides compressions at the edges of the structural member that increase the capacity of the concrete to resist tension stresses. If tendons are appropriately curved to a certain profile they will exert in addition to the compression at the perimeter a beneficial upwards set of forces that will counteract applied loads, relieving the structure from a portion of gravity effects. For more information, please visit our site