Modern people have increasingly high demands for appearance, so the beauty industry has become increasingly prosperous. In a beauty supply store, there are a variety of care items that are dazzling and dazzling. This article will elaborate on common nursing projects in the beauty supply store from the following four aspects.
1. Basic skincare
Basic skin care refers to the daily maintenance of different skin types and problems. In the beauty supply store, basic skin care usually includes cleaning, toning, essence, and face cream.
The first step is the cleaning process, where deep cleaning can remove impurities such as sebum secretions and dirt, laying a solid foundation for subsequent maintenance. Next is toner or make-up water, which can adjust sebum secretion while providing a moisturizing effect, and pave the way for subsequent essence.
Next is the essence, which can improve the absorption ability and repair the damaged parts while giving skin nutrients.
Finally, face cream can lock water, moisturize and moisturize the skin. Basic skincare is the most basic service item in the beauty supply store, and it is also an essential maintenance step in everyone's daily life.
2. Facial care
Facial care refers to professional repair and improvement of facial skin problems. In the beauty supply store, facial care typically includes multiple steps such as deep cleansing, exfoliation, hydration, and spot removal.
The first step is the deep cleaning process, which thoroughly removes dirt and aged keratin from the pores and lays the groundwork for the subsequent steps. The second step is to exfoliate, which promotes metabolism and improves absorption capacity while removing dead skin cells. The next step is to replenish water and moisturize, providing sufficient moisture while locking in nutrients to achieve a moisturizing effect and improve dryness and dehydration.
The final step is to remove and lighten freckles, achieving a whitening effect by adjusting pigmentation and reducing melanin formation, and also eliminating small blemishes such as freckles.
Facial care is one of the most popular services in the beauty supply store, allowing people to have healthier, younger, and more beautiful skin.
3. Body care
Body care refers to the professional repair and improvement of skin problems in the body. In the beauty supply store, body care typically includes multiple steps such as massage, exfoliation, and slimming and shaping.
The first step is the massage process, which promotes blood circulation while relieving stress and eliminating fatigue.
Secondly, it involves removing dead skin cells while promoting metabolism and enhancing absorption capacity, achieving a tender effect. The next step is to slim down and shape, reducing fat aggregation and tightening loose areas to achieve a slimming effect, and improving the phenomenon of orange peel tissue.
Body care can help people have healthier, tighter, and smoother skin, as well as help eliminate stress and fatigue, making them feel more relaxed and enjoyable.
4. Special Projects
Special projects refer to professional repair and improvement of individual skin problems. In the beauty supply store, special projects typically include multiple stages such as acne removal, scar removal, and hair removal.
The first step is the acne removal process, which eliminates acne and acne while adjusting oil secretion to achieve purification effects and prevent further growth. The next step is to remove scars, which can help to fade the scars left by the wound or surgery while promoting metabolism and improving absorption capacity.
Next is hair removal, which achieves a smooth effect while safely and without irritation removing excess hair, and can also prevent regrowth.
Special projects can help people solve long-standing skin problems, giving them a more confident and beautiful appearance.
There are various nursing programs in the beauty supply store, covering everything from basic skincare to facial care, body care, and special programs. Through these professional services, people can have a healthier, younger, and more beautiful appearance, while also alleviating stress and fatigue, making people feel more relaxed and happy.
Therefore, we should choose suitable care projects based on our own needs and problems, and also pay attention to basic skincare work in daily life, in order to truly achieve beauty from the inside out.