How does Tamiflu Help to Fight Influenza?

Tamiflu is an antiviral medication that fights the flu virus (influenza) and reduces flu symptoms by stopping the virus from circulating in your body. Tamiflu will help you avoid getting the flu if you take it before you get sick. This medicine is suitable for both children and adults. When using Tamiflu for the treatment and prevention of influenza, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions. If there is a community outbreak in your city, or if you come into close contact with someone who is experiencing flu symptoms, you can order Tamiflu online or order Tamiflu cash on delivery with your doctor's approval. Bear in mind, that this medication is not a substitute for a flu shot. To protect yourself from the influenza, you must get a flu shot.




Dosage and Administration

Tamiflu is available in two formulations for patients aged 2 weeks and up: tablets and an oral suspension (powder). Influenza A and B are treated with it. Tamiflu should be taken within 48 hours of the first symptom or indication of the illness. You may take either the oral suspension or the capsules, with or without food. Tamiflu 75 mg (capsule strength 75 mg or 12.5 mL oral suspension) twice daily for 5 days is the prescribed oral dose for adults and adolescents 13 years and older with influenza. Tamiflu is usually taken once a day for at least 10 days to treat influenza prophylaxis with a 75 mg capsule and 12.5 mL oral suspension. Tamiflu doses for children aged 1 to 12 years are determined by their body weight.


Tamiflu Side Effects and Overdose 

Tamiflu side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and pain.. If you have a sudden onset of confusion, tremors or trembling, or hallucinations, call your doctor right away and inform him or her of your condition. Your doctor will change your dose as needed for the remainder of your care.

So far, no harmful side effects have been identified in Tamiflu overdose cases. An overdose is likely to occur in the case of children. Tamiflu oral suspension preparation and administration to children should be performed with caution.


Order Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) Online 

You can conveniently buy Tamiflu online with your prescription from any pharmacy website once your doctor has prescribed the dosage. Many pharmacy brands are selling their goods online, allowing patients to easily access them while also saving energy and time. On any medical/pharmacy website, you can search and choose your prescription strength of drug, and then conveniently place your order.. One thing to bear in mind is that you cannot purchase Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) online without a prescription , so save a scanned copy of your prescription before ordering the medication online. You can use the cod option if you don't want to share your bank account details. Simply choose the Tamiflu cash on delivery option to have it delivered to you without any additional fees and at a reasonable cost.