Men can have ED for many reasons. But if it occurs often and is preventing you from having or maintaining an erection, it is a problem that should be treated.

Treatments to cure erectile dysfunction include medication, sexual therapy and vacuum pumps. Some medications, such as Fildena 150(Viagra) and Vidalista 20(Cialis), increase blood flow to the penis and help you get and keep an erection.


Medicines are a great way to cure ED, especially when they’re taken at the right time. Doctors often prescribe oral drugs, including sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra).

They increase blood flow to the penis and increase erection strength when paired with sexual stimulation. They also help relieve urinary problems that are caused by an enlarged prostate.

Men who have a serious medical condition may benefit from a special type of medication called alprostadil, which is injected into the penis or placed as a small suppository. Your doctor will tell you which treatment is best for you.

Some men with heart disease may not be able to use Vidalista 40 because they can cause dangerous drops in blood pressure. They should also tell their doctors if they take nitrates for chest pain.

A man may cure his ED with a variety of non-drug options, including counseling and alternative therapies. Many of these methods are effective, and they can also address psychological issues that contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals and couples deal with issues impacting sexual satisfaction. It's used to address medical, psychological, personal and interpersonal factors that may be contributing to sexual dysfunction.

Men who have ED symptoms should receive sex therapy counseling before they pursue any invasive treatment. Fildena 200 will help their problems and find a way to solve them.

During sex therapy, a therapist will examine the man’s sex life and work with him to change negative thoughts and behaviors that interfere with sex. The therapist will also help a man overcome his fears and improve communication with his partner.

A sex therapist can be a physiotherapist, psychologist, or licensed social worker. Usually, they have a master’s or doctorate degree and certification.

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum pumps are tube-shaped devices that use suction to draw blood into your penis, helping you get and maintain an erection. They are an effective form of Vidalista 60 treatment for erectile dysfunction and are used by men with ED, including those who have had prostate surgery.

To use a vacuum pump, you first apply lubricant to your penis and the opening of the tube, then place the pump over it. Then, you pump the air out of the tube to create a vacuum.

Once the pump has drawn blood into your penis, you can then wear a constriction ring to help you maintain an erection. However, you should not use a constriction ring for more than 30 minutes or it can cause injury to the tissue and blood vessels inside your penis. It’s also important to remember that a penis pump is not a permanent solution for ED, so you should consult a doctor to find out whether a pump is right for you.


Alprostadil is a vasodilator (a medicine that widens blood vessels), which helps improve blood flow to the penis. This helps to create a tighter and longer erection.

It comes in powder to be mixed with liquid and injected into the penis or as a urethral suppository (pellet to be placed into the urinary opening of the penis). You can take it as needed before sexual intercourse for up to 3 times per week, with at least 24 hours between uses.

Fildena 100 has been proven effective in clinical trials. It is a good alternative to phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors like Viagra, which may have certain side effects or are not effective for everyone.

Before using any medication, talk to your healthcare provider about whether it's safe for you and how to use it safely. This includes if you have an underlying medical condition such as HIV, a history of painful erections or if you're taking any other medications.