Space is a luxury in the world of real estate, and with more and more housing coming up, the living spaces are becoming smaller and smaller. Housing units themselves are getting small, with smaller land plots and floor plans, and in the next few years, the situation will only become worse with increased populations.


If you own a house pr apartment with small rooms, don’t fret! There are many ways in which to make a small space seem larger, with the use of lighting, and type of blinds or curtains in Western Sydney that you use.


Here some popular methods to make a small room feel bigger.


Using the right window treatments

The window treatments you use and their aesthetic properties can help a great deal in making a small room feel larger. From plantation shutters in Penrith to security screen doors in Western Sydney, the treatments you choose can make a huge difference.

  • Hanging curtains and blinds above the window: When you hand curtain, drapes or blinds closer to the ceiling, it offers a visual expansion, making even the tiniest of rooms seem much larger. If you can’t go up to the ceiling, then you should at least consider hanging them a minimum of one foot above the window, which will give the appearance of taller windows. In addition, you can create a vertical interest when you do this, making the small space of the room seem insignificant.
  • Use lightweight fabrics: The materials that your window treatments are made form can make a huge difference to the visual space of a room. Sheer curtains and blinds made from lightweight fabrics allow more sunlight into the room, creating an aura of space. In addition, they also seem less bulky and space consuming. For a visual expansion of the space, you can also get them done in patterns that consist of vertical lines which will enhance the height of the room, or horizontal lines, which will enhance its width.
  • Use light colours: Light and neutral-coloured coverings are the ideal choice if you want to make a room look bigger than what it is. These light colours reflect light, and create the illusion of larger spaces. Dark colours absorb light and hence will seem more restricting.
  • Monochrome: If light colours are not your thing, getting window treatments that are the same colour as tour walls will also create a visual illusion of more space. It creates cohesion within the room, and will not draw attention to smaller areas such as windows etc.
  • Hanging a mirror across from the window: Mirrors are great at creating the illusion of space, because for one, they reflect light, and two, they create space within itself in its reflection.
  • Use long curtains in confined spaces: The longer the curtain, the better it is in creating the feeling of larger space, even though in reality the room may be quite small.
  • Choose minimalist coverings: Certain styles of window treatments can take up a lot of space and make a home look smaller than what it is. It is best to choose minimalist styles when selecting these coverings such as roller blinds, roman blinds etc.


Continuing the same flooring type throughout

Using the same flooring for the entirety of the home can give the feeling of bigger spaces, and is the ideal way to hide the smallness of a room. When the flooring continues, there is no break in it which demarcates where one room ends and another begins.


Remove internal doors

Some people may opt to knock out a wall or two and create more space in their homes, however for those people who do not have the luxury of that option, there is always the possibility of removing all internal doors, creating a smooth flow from one room to another. If you still want to have a separation, then a sliding door is best, as it takes up less space and is less bulky.


Use mirrors in the room

Using mirrors extensively can create the illusion of larger spaces, especially if you can install some full-length mirrors. They will also help to bounce light around the room, making it more airy and seemingly spacious.



When choosing furniture for a small area, it is best not to go with hugely bulky items, or dark coloured ones. A few good pieces can really make a room both functional and spacious. The less cluttered it is the more space you will have.


Use minimal decorations

Cumbersome decorations can really take up space in a small room, hence it is best to observe restraint when it comes to choosing the right décor. In a small space you will not have the luxury of being able to put in everything your heart desires, so it is better to select a few good ones and add them.


Use light colours for the walls

As with using light coloured window treatments, light coloured wall paint can also have a huge impact on how spacious a room looks. White is one of the best colours you can use as it reflects light. Other good colours are pastel shades and different shades of white.


As you can see there are many ways in which to make a small room seem much larger, and some of these are inexpensive and low-cost methods which you can use. Paint colours etc should be chosen when you are building the house, so that you won’t need to repaint everything again. It is always good to go with light coloured décor and furnishings in order to enhance the space that exists.