On the few occasions when you have to Diablo IV Gold level up to progress you'll find an array of options from the main quest -- including bounties, game-like dungeons that can be replayed, as well as random "rifts" to assist you in closing the gap. Game guides, achievements, and activity trackers give you reward points while you navigate the game's vast array of games. 

There are even innovations here that all mainline Diablo games may want to copy, like the build guide which recommends loads of skills and equipment that you can work towards.Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy," said Rod Fergusson, general manager for Diablo. 

"These are both very dark subjects and disturbing themes that are commonplace. We thought this was a chance to sort of acknowledge Diablo's roots and bring it to the forefront and make it more mainstream."

The one who sets the tone for this darker world is the principal adversary, Lilith. Lilith is the daughter of Mephisto and is one of the Great Evils and is referred to as"the Mother of Sanctuary, the world in which the Diablo series is set. As opposed to previous games where there was a gradual progress towards the big boss responsible for all the evils in this world Blizzard put Lilith up front from the very first cutscene.

The playable model begins in Fractured Peaks, with my hero's horse dying, leaving him trapped in a cave by him for the rest of the evening. From the caves emerged the first stop, Nevesk, a very small town where things aren't cheap Diablo 4 Gold the way they appear.