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The HP HPE0-J69 exam, also known as Delta - HPE Storage Solutions, is designed for professionals who are seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of HPE Storage Solutions. This exam is an advanced-level certification exam that validates the candidates' ability to plan, design, deploy, and manage HPE Storage Solutions. Passing this exam will demonstrate that the candidate possesses the necessary expertise to work with HPE Storage Solutions in a variety of environments and scenarios.

To prepare for the HPE0-J69 exam, candidates should have a good understanding of HPE storage solutions and their features. HPE provides a range of training courses and resources to help candidates prepare for the exam, including instructor-led training, eLearning, and study guides. Candidates can also take advantage of HPE's online learning community, which provides access to forums, blogs, and other resources to help prepare for the exam.

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The HP HPE0-J69 certification exam is designed for professionals who want to gain expertise in storage solutions. This exam is specially crafted to test the knowledge and skills of candidates in HPE storage technologies, including storage fundamentals, storage hardware, storage solutions, and storage management. The exam is based on the Delta - HPE Storage Solutions course, which provides a comprehensive understanding of storage solutions.

HP Delta - HPE Storage Solutions Sample Questions (Q72-Q77):

A customer recently acquired another company and found that the existing infrastructure was outdated and costly to maintain. They need to put a complete infrastructure solution in place that minimizes the footprint in the data center as quickly and possible. Which solution you recommend?

  • A. Synergy 12000
  • B. Simplicity 380
  • C. Converged systems
  • D. Bladesystem 7000

Answer: B

Which HPE 3Par feature improves CPU utilization ,reduces latency and improve IOPS ?

  • A. Express Writes
  • B. Persistent Cache
  • C. Zero Detect
  • D. Express Indexing

Answer: A

You have proposed that a customer replace their legacy SAN switches with new ?-Series switches. They are concerned about the management of all the devices, so you have included SANnav in the proposal.
What are the benefits of SANnav that you should emphasize to this customer? (Choose two.)

  • A. It offers automated SPOCK validation
  • B. It runs in a dedicated JVM
  • C. It runs in a browser
  • D. It provides fine-grain visibility into Storage Fabrics (FC + Ethernet)
  • E. It provides a global View

Answer: C,E

An existing Nimble customer is interested in adding storage to their environment to store his Backups, but has a constrained budget and limited personal .The solution must scale to allow for substantial growth over the next five years?

  • A. Nimble SF series
  • B. Nimble AF series
  • C. Nimble cloud volume
  • D. Nimble CS series

Answer: B

A customer wants to implement a new storage network, but wants to retain the ability to connect with legacy fiber channel-based components.
Drag the appropriate component to each box on the diagram to design a new storage network.




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