Therefore, make the most of this opportunity of getting these superb exam questions for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional certification exam. We guarantee you that our top-rated Oracle 1z0-1067-22 Practice Exam (PDF, desktop practice test software, and web-based practice exam) will enable you to pass the 1z0-1067-22 certification exam on the very first go.

The Oracle 1z0-1067-22 exam covers a wide range of topics related to cloud operations, including infrastructure management, network security, monitoring and troubleshooting, automation, and compliance. Candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of cloud computing concepts, such as virtualization, containerization, and deployment models. They should also be familiar with the core services offered by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, such as compute, storage, network, and database services.

The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, which must be completed in 105 minutes. The passing score for this certification exam is 68%, and the exam fee is $245. Candidates can take the exam at any authorized testing center or online through the Pearson VUE testing platform.

The Oracle 1z0-1067-22 certification exam is recognized globally and is highly valued by employers. This certification exam is an excellent way for professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in cloud operations and management, which can help them advance their careers and increase their earning potential.

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Pass Guaranteed 2023 The Best Oracle 1z0-1067-22: Vce Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional Exam

Because the registration fee is expensive, you have to win your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional to make all the spending worth it. Failing on your Oracle 1z0-1067-22 exam will not only cause you to lose money but also time and energy. On the other hand, winning a Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional will open up so many doors that can bring you much forward on your career path.Of all the preparation resources for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional 1z0-1067-22 Exam available in the market, this Oracle 1z0-1067-22 braindumps are one of the most reliable materials. The development of these 1z0-1067-22 question dumps involves feedback from hundreds of Oracle professionals around the world. They also revise the Oracle 1z0-1067-22 exam questions regularly to keep them relevant to the latest Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional exam.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Cloud Operations Professional Sample Questions (Q29-Q34):

You have been asked to update the lifecycle policy for object storage using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Command Line Interface (CLI).
Which command can successfully update the policy? (Choose the bestanswer.)

  • A. oci os object-lifecycle-policy put -ns <object_storage_namespace> -bn <bucket_name> - -items
  • B. oci os object-lifecycle-policy put -ns <object_storage_namespace> -bn <bucket_name>
  • C. oci os object-lifecycle-policy get -ns <object_storage_namespace> -bn <bucket_name>
  • D. oci os object-lifecycle-policy delete -ns <object_storage_namespace> -bn <bucket_name>

Answer: A


You have received an email from your manager to provision new resources on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). When researching OCI, you determined that you should use OCI Resource Manager. Since this is a task that will be done multiple times for development, test, and production. You will need to create a command that can be re-used.
Which CLI command can be used in this situation? (Choose the best answer.)

  • A. oci resource-manager stack update --tenancy-id <tenancy_OCID> \
    --config-source --variables file://variables.json \
    --display-name "Production stack build" \
    --description Creating new Production environment
  • B. oci resource-manager stack update --compartment-id <compartment_OCID> \
    --config-source --variables file://variables.json \
    --display-name "Production stack build" \
    --description Creating new Production environment
  • C. oci resource-manager stack create --tenancy-id <tenancy_OCID> \
    --config-source --variables file://variables.json \
    --display-name Production stack build \
    --description Creating new Production environment
  • D. oci resource-manager stack create --compartment-id <compartment_OCID> \
    --config-source --variables file://variables.json \
    --display-name Production stack build \
    --description Creating new Production environment

Answer: D


You created an Oracle Linux compute instance through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) management console then immediately realize you forgot toadd an SSH key file. You notice that OCI compute service provides instance console connections that supports adding SSH keys for a running instance. Hence, you created the console connection for your Linux server and activated it using the connection string provided.
However, now you get prompted for a username and password to login.
What option should you recommend to add the SSH key to your running instance, while minimizing the administrative overhead? (Choose the best answer.)

  • A. You need to reboot the instance from the console, boot into the bash shell in maintenance mode,and add SSH keys for the opc user.
  • B. You need to modify the serial console connection string to include the identity file flag, -i to specify the SSH key to use.
  • C. You need to terminate the running instance and recreate it by providing the SSH key file.
  • D. You need to configure the boot loader to use ttyS0 as a console terminal on the VM.

Answer: A

If you created an instance without an SSH key, you can use the serial console toboot into maintenance mode and add or reset the SSH key for the opc user or reset the password for the opc user. Alternately, you can stop the instance, attach the boot volume to a new instance, and configure SSH on the new instance.

You have been asked to investigate a potential security risk on your company's Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy. You decide to start by looking throughthe audit logs for suspicious activity.
How can you retrieve the audit logs using the OCI Command Line Interface (CLI)? (Choose the best answer.)

  • A. oci audit event list --start-time $start-time --end-time $end-time --tenancy-id
  • B. oci audit event list --start-time $start-time --end-time $end-time -- compartment-id $compartment-id
  • C. oci audit event list --end-time $end-time --compartment-id $compartment-id
  • D. oci audit event list --start-time $start-time --compartment-id $compartment-id

Answer: B


You have been monitoring your company's applications running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and notice that the application is using OCI Traffic Management service. This service uses a traffic steering policy to distribute the DNS traffic based on subnet addresses in a rule set.
Which steering policy is in use in this particular case? (Choose the best answer.)

  • A. Load Balancing policy
  • B. Geolocation steering
  • C. ASN steering policy
  • D. IP Prefix steering

Answer: D

IP Prefix steering policies enable customers to steer DNS traffic based on the IP Prefix of the originating query.


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Exam 1z0-1067-22 Syllabus:
