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The AD0-E318 certification exam is designed for experienced Adobe Campaign Classic professionals who are seeking to advance their careers and demonstrate their expertise in this platform. Candidates must have several years of experience working with Adobe Campaign Classic and a deep understanding of the platform's capabilities and limitations. They must also be able to work collaboratively with other professionals, such as developers and project managers, to design and implement complex solutions.

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Earning the Adobe Campaign Classic Architect Master certification is a significant achievement for professionals who work with Adobe Campaign Classic. This certification demonstrates that the individual has a deep understanding of the platform and is capable of designing and implementing complex solutions. It also demonstrates a commitment to professional development and a dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the industry. Adobe Campaign Classic Architect Masters are highly valued by employers and are in high demand in the job market.

Adobe Campaign Classic Architect Master Sample Questions (Q40-Q45):

A customer launches a Campaign with multiple touch points. Some deliveries are stuck in Pending Personalization'' for more than 3 hours. The recipient broad log records have not been created for these deliveries yet.
What should the Architect analyze to diagnose the cause of this issue?

  • A. Validate if the delivery is complex with many JavaScript personalization and whether the email size more than 60 kb
  • B. Validate if the number of recipient per delivery can be reduced to send multiple deliveries at the same time to spread the load on personalization.
  • C. Validate if all images can be uploaded into public resources to fetch faster and if personalization blocks can be created in the delivery.
  • D. Validate if the delivery can be paused and the MTA process restarted to clear the personalization cache and reuse the delivery.

Answer: B

A customer reports that data import, export and aggregation workflow take 3 to 4 hours each to complete, when they are scheduled to run before the campaign start. The is deploying the customer from starting campaigns on schedule.
Which two recommendations should the Architect make? (Choose two.)

  • A. Configure the severity in all workflow properties to Production/Critical to run on priority.
  • B. Avoid running more than the limit configured for workflows to execute simultaneously.
  • C. Check the execute in the engine option on all related workflows to run faster
  • D. Schedule data load and export technical workflows overnight or during off- peak hours.
  • E. Execute unconditional stop to clear cache and restart the workflow that are slow

Answer: B,D

A: Avoid running more than the limit configured for workflows to execute simultaneously.
This will ensure that the system resources are not overburdened and the workflows can complete in a timely manner.
B: Schedule data load and export technical workflows overnight or during off- peak hours.
This will allow the workflows to run during a time when the system resources are not being heavily utilized by other processes, which will help to improve performance and reduce the time taken for the workflows to complete.
It's also good to note that, these are best practices in general and not specific to Adobe Campaign.

A customer requires a large amount of data to be imported in a short window of time from 15 different source tables, updating 8 different AC schemas. The tables require loading in a specific sequence to ensure data integrity.
The customer has a high-performance database serving Adobe Campaign which has significant spare CPU, memory capacity, and connections. Which solution should the Architect recommend?

  • A. Design a technical workflow with multiple forked branches in a logical sequence each branch containing a javascript activity using StartWith Parameters method to call a workflows External signal process step in a separate workflow execution context.
  • B. Create multiple workflows to load data in each schema and master control workflow with subworkflow activities to call each in the right order, ensuring each subworkflow contains theminimumnumber of process and limited use of temp tables.
  • C. Use multiple workflow servers with a load balancer, configure high and low priority wfserver affinities and leverage workflow instance configuration to distribute the load of the import workflow to high priority affinity.
  • D. Recommend an additional database node set up in an active-active cluster and use a dedicated workflow server to run a single master workflow on it exclusively using a workflow instance parameter.

Answer: C

A company has customers in Californi
a. The company has purchase Adobe Campaign and wants to empower its customer to control the exchange of their personal information.
What should the Architect do?

  • A. Install the Privacy package and external the recipient schema with a CCPA opt-out flag.
  • B. Install the Privacy package and create a separate data schema to maintain the personal information.
  • C. Advocate the development of a privacy management application to control exchange of personal information.
  • D. Ensure hosting instance that holds personal information is in California

Answer: A

Installing the Privacy package and external the recipient schema with a CCPA opt-out flag is a good approach to empower customers to control the exchange of their personal information. The package allows the creation of an opt-out field in the recipient schema and the ability to filter out recipients who have opted out.

A developer on the team is troubleshooting the one-to-many relationship link between Orders and Products.
Which XML element should the Architect recommend the developer use?

  • A. element label= Order='' target='' cus:product,'' type unbound= true
  • B. element label= Order='' name='' order '' customer'' customer type collection''>
  • C. element label= order='' name=order'' target='' cus:produc
  • D. element label= Order name='' order'' ='' cus: prodution Type= lin;

Answer: B


AD0-E318 Test Questions Vce:
