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The Adobe AD0-E718 certification exam is a rigorous assessment of an individual's skills and knowledge in Adobe Commerce architecture. Passing the exam and earning the Adobe Certified Master - Adobe Commerce Architect certification is a significant achievement that demonstrates an individual's expertise in this field. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will have a competitive edge in the job market and be well-positioned to advance their careers in e-commerce architecture.

Passing the Adobe AD0-E718 exam is a great achievement for professionals who want to enhance their careers in Adobe Commerce. It not only validates their knowledge and skills but also demonstrates their commitment to their profession. Certified individuals are recognized as experts in Adobe Commerce and are highly valued by employers. They are also eligible for higher-paying job opportunities and career advancement.

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To be successful in the Adobe AD0-E718 exam, candidates must have a solid understanding of Adobe Commerce Cloud's architecture, including the different components that make up the platform. They should also be familiar with the various deployment models and understand how to configure Adobe Commerce Cloud to meet specific business requirements. Additionally, candidates should have experience in developing customizations and integrations with Adobe Commerce Cloud, as well as working with third-party extensions and integrations.

Adobe Commerce Architect Master Sample Questions (Q41-Q46):

An Architect is investigating a merchant's Adobe Commerce production environment where all customer session data is randomly being lost. Customer session data has been configured to be persisted using Redis, as are all caches (except full page cache, which is handled via Varnish).
After an initial review, the Architect is able to replicate the loss of customer session data by flushing the Magento cache storage, either via the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel or running bin/iuagento cache: flush on the command line. Refreshing all the caches in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel or running bin/magento cache: clean on the command line does not cause session data to be lost.
What should be the next step?

  • A. Check app/etc/evn.php and make sure that the Redis configuration for caches and session data use different database numbers.
  • B. Educate the merchant to not flush cache storage and only refresh the caches in future.
  • C. Set the 'Stores > Configuration' option for "Store Session Data Separately' to 'Yes' in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel.

Answer: A

Checking app/etc/env.php and making sure that the Redis configuration for caches and session data use different database numbers is the next step. This is because using the same database number for both caches and session data can cause session data to be lost when flushing the cache storage. By using different database numbers, the session data can be isolated from the cache data and avoid being overwritten. See Use Redis for session storage in the Adobe Commerce Help Center1. Reference:

A developer needs to uninstall two custom modules as well as the database data and schemas. The developer uses the following command:
bin/magento module:uninstall Vendor_SampleMinimal Vendor_SampleModifyContent When the command is run from CLI, the developer fails to remove the database schema and data defined in the module Uninstall class.
Which three requirements should the Architect recommend be checked to troubleshoot this issue? (Choose three.)

  • A. --remove-data option is specified as an argument for the CLI command
  • B. composer.json file is present and defines the module as a composer package
  • C. invoked uninstall () method is implemented in the Uninstall class
  • D. Invoke uninstallData() and uninstallSchema () are defined in the Uninstall class
  • E. bin/magento maintenance: enable command should be run in CLI before
  • F. remove-schema and --remove-data options are specified as arguments for the CLI command

Answer: C,D,F

To troubleshoot the issue, the Architect should check that the remove-schema and --remove-data options are specified as arguments for the CLI command, that the Uninstall class defines the uninstallData() and uninstallSchema() methods, and that the invoked uninstall() method is implemented in the Uninstall class.

A representative of a small business needs an Adobe Commerce Architect to design a custom integration of a third-party payment solution. They want to reduce the list of controls identified in their Self-Assessment Questionnaire as much as possible to achieve PCI compliance for their existing Magento application.
Which approach meets the business needs?

  • A. Utilize a trusted signed certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) to secure each connection made by the payment solution protocol via HTTPS.
  • B. Utilize the payment provider Iframe system to isolate content of the embedded frame from the parent web page.
  • C. Utilize the Advanced Encryption standard (AES-256) algorithm to encrypt all customer-sensitive data from the payment module.

Answer: A

The best approach to meet the business needs is to utilize a trusted signed certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) to secure each connection made by the payment solution protocol via HTTPS. This will ensure that the data exchanged between the application, the payment provider, and the customer is all encrypted and secure. Additionally, this approach will help to reduce the list of controls identified in the Self-Assessment Questionnaire, as it is a secure and approved method of protecting customer data.

A merchant asks for a new category attribute to allow uploading an additional mobile image against categories. The merchant utilizes the content staging and preview feature in Adobe Commerce and wants to schedule and review changes to this new mobile image field.
A developer creates the attribute via a data patch and adds it to
view/adminhtml/ui_component/category_form.xml. The attribute appears against the category in the main form, but does not appear in the additional form when scheduled updates are made.
To change this attribute when scheduling new category updates, which additional action should the Architect ask the developer to take?

  • A. The attribute must have its apply_to field set to "staging" in the data patch file.
  • B. The attribute must also be added to
  • C. The attribute must have<item name=''allow_staging'' xsi:type="boolean''>true<item> set in the
    =category_form.xml file under the attributes config" section.

Answer: B

This is because, in order to change the attribute when scheduling new category updates, the attribute must be added to the view/adminhtml/ulcomponent/catalogstagingcategoryupdateform.xml file in order to be displayed in the additional form when scheduling updates. This additional form is used to set the values for the category attributes when scheduling updates.

An Adobe Commerce Architect is reviewing api-functional test code. Some tests send errors to indicate that the customer address does not exist.
The test codes show the following:

  • A. AD0-E718-827934b962e700fe45e6feba0321abf6.jpg
  • B. AD0-E718-e0d11dc3440bb7cff6828ccf8a528c76.jpg
  • C. AD0-E718-65edb1d0f6828d4675c1558243c98da5.jpg

Answer: B


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