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The SAP C-THR96-2211 certification exam is designed for individuals who are looking to become certified technical consultants in SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics. The exam is intended to test an individual's knowledge and skills in implementing and configuring Workforce Analytics solutions, as well as their ability to troubleshoot and maintain these solutions. Successful candidates can demonstrate their expertise in areas such as data modeling, data extraction, and report creation.

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Professional SAP Exam C_THR96_2211 PDF | Try Free Demo before Purchase

For SAP C_THR96_2211 certification test, are you ready? The exam comes in sight, but can you take the test with confidence? If you have not confidence to sail through your exam, here I will recommend the most excellent reference materials for you. The latest C_THR96_2211 Certification Training dumps that can pass your exam in a short period of studying have appeared. The dumps are provided by ActualTestsQuiz.

The SAP C_THR96_2211 certification exam is an excellent opportunity for technical consultants to become certified in implementing, configuring, and customizing SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics solutions. The exam tests the candidate's knowledge and skills in various areas of workforce analytics, including data modeling, data integration, reporting, and analytics configuration. Candidates can prepare for the exam by taking advantage of various training resources offered by SAP and gaining hands-on experience through projects.

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics Technical Consultant 2H/2022 Sample Questions (Q58-Q63):

According to SAP best practices, at the start of the implementation project, which of the following documents are provided to the client? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Metrics Pack document
  • B. Discrepancy Report document.
  • C. Data Questionnaire document
  • D. Project Summary document
  • E. Specification document.

Answer: A,C,D

To which measures does the following calculation apply? if((in([%EMP_JOB_INFO_T.EMPLOYMENT_STATUS%], 'A','U','P') OR ISNULL([%EMP_JOB_INFO_T.EMPLOYMENT_STATUS%])), [%#CFT#.HEAD_COUNT%], 0). Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. EOP headcount
  • B. EOP headcount - inactive and other
  • C. Average headcount
  • D. SOP headcount
  • E. FTE headcount

Answer: A,D,E

Some dimension hierarchies in the Dimension Editor tool are greyed out, which prevents you from remapping codes located in the Unmapped node. Why are the hierarches greyed out?

  • A. The hierarchy is a generated structure based on SQL statement.
  • B. The checkbox to enable code mapping editing is NOT selected.
  • C. The build of the hierarchy did NOT complete.
  • D. The code to build the hierarchy is invalid.

Answer: A

How do you configure benchmarked dimension nodes in SAP SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics on SAP HANA?

  • A. Map customer nodes to the pre-defined nodes within a dimension.
  • B. Add a property to a dimension node that flags it as benchmarked.
  • C. Change the ID of a dimension node to the benchmarked ID.
  • D. Change the name of a dimension node to the benchmarked name.

Answer: A

How can a technical consultant organize multiple records with the same Effective From Date into one Fact Table record?

  • A. Use the To Date Special Use Type on a date field.
  • B. Use the Effective Sequence Special Use Type on a numeric field.
  • C. Use a calculated column to filter unwanted records.
  • D. Use a calculated column called Effective Sequence.

Answer: B


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